We just wrapped recording three episodes of the podcast. We streamed it all live on youtube and we had more than 170 people watch us at some point during that broadcast. Thank you all for coming out and chatting with us live as we recorded a review show, a news show and a message board Q & A show. I’ll edit these three episodes into mp3s soon but if you’d like to see behind the scenes of how we record and a little extra content feel free to watch this youtube clip. It’s a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone that came out. We’ll be doing these with every recording session from this point out. Be sure to subscribe to the youtube channel so you can get updates.
Crawlspace Live Feed of Podcast Online

Glad you guys had fun! 🙂
Fun.and cool hearing my name mentioned again! – Anthony
Ditto. It didn’t feel like 3+ hours, it just flew by. So much fun.
God that was fun!