Podcast #459 Clone Conspiracy #5, ASM #24, Renew Your Vows # 4 Reviews

In this episode the panel tackles these issues:
*Clone Conspiracy #5
*Amazing Spider-Man #24
*Renew Your Vows #4


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Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other recent shows, they’re right here.
Podcast#458-Spider-History February 1989
Podcast #457-Friday Night Hulk Fight
Podcast #456-Spider-News
Podcast# 455-ASM #22 &23, Clone Conspiracy #4, Renew Your Vows #2, 3

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Previews: March 15th, 2017

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  1. I hear ya on the Kinko’s thing. But if I say FedEx Office… well it’s not as fun and insta-grabby as Kinko’s. That and everyone around here in North Texas still calls it Kinko’s. If I tell someone I’m going to FedEx Office they won’t know what I’m talking about.

    If I say Willis Tower… unless you live in Chicago no one’s going to know what I am referring to. But if I say Sears Tower, everyone knows.

    The Texas Rangers play at Globe Life Park in Arlington. But everyone still calls it the Ballpark at Arlington, and with the exception of radio & news people they have called it that even when it was supposed to be Ameriquest Field. If I was talking to friends and said “Hey fellows, let us travel to Globe Life Park in Arlington” I will get looked at funny.

    During the podcast, when I called it Kinko’s Zach immediately corrected me to say FedEx. In all honesty I will probably keep saying Kinko’s just to vex him.

  2. *FedEx Office. The Kinkos name is no longer used. (sorry I have to correct people constantly since I work for FedEx Office)

  3. I wish it was pointed out that they explained why Mole Man was talking like a loon in RYV #4 since that was something that bothered people. Hiding underground away from the Regent made him nuts is all. But good reviews and a fun podcast all the same!

    I think Annie being to young to be a hero will be addressed in issue 6 when she meets the X-Men and they discuss her possibly enrolling in the school.

  4. You guys are mainly on point with your criticisms. However, to be fair about Peter telling Otto that he isn’t “all bad.” It was really due to the circumstances. If Otto was in a position to buy Peter and Anna some time, I don’t think Peter would want to say something to antagonize him. Especially with the world at stake. It’s a case of telling people what they want to hear. Besides, I think on some level Peter does want to believe that Otto can be redeemed, despite his terrible crimes.

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