December 2016 Sales Figures

For The Full List Head Here

Sales Figures Provided by Comic Book Resources

Apologies for the delay in getting this up here, it just took me a while to get use to the 55% drop of Renew Your Vows #2 compared to issue #1. But thanks to Ryan Stegman, who assured me that a sales figure of 43,128 means it’s a stable title, and while I’m happy hear that, it still irks me. But I digress, it’s still a great book, I highly recommend everyone to put it on their pull list, and I still have hope it will be around for a long long time to come.


Title # Est Sales Prev Issue Prev Issue
Est Sales


1 Justice League/Suicide Squad (2016) 1 179,643 * * *
2 IvX (2016) 1 167,703 0 84,181 +83,521
3 Dark Knight III: The Master Race (2015) 7 119,114 6 151,148 -32,035
4 Batman (2016) 12 111,391 11 116,690 -5,299
5 Batman (2016) 13 108,407 12 111,391 -2,984
6 Civil War II (2016) 8 105,658 7 116,447 -10,789
7 Star Wars (2015) 26 104,563 25 75,234 +29,329
8 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) 1 99,067 * * *
9 Hulk (2016) 1 89,810 * * *
10 All Star Batman (2016) 5 87,422 4 99,064 -11,642
13 Invincible Iron Man (2016) 2 81,271 1 97,713 -16,443
22 Amazing Spider-Man (2015) 22 63,359 21 63,052 +307
31 Clone Conspiracy (2016) 3 56,117 2 58,921 -2,804
43 Champions (2016) 3 47,481 2 49,733 -2,253
48 Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) 12 43,937 11 51,278 -7,341
50 Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016) 2 43,128 1 96,111 -52,983
58 Spider-Man (2016) 10 40,006 9 39,701 +305
67 Venom (2016) 2 38,043 1 90,138 -52,095
73 Deadpool: Back in Black (2016) 5 36,893 4 33,457 +3,436
75 Spider-Man (2016) 11 35,865 10 40,006 -4,141
81 Gwenpool’s Merry Mix Up (2016) Holiday Special 1 33,240 * * *
100 Spider-Gwen (2015b) 15 27,898 14 28,906 -1,008
121 Gwenpool (2015) 9 20,031 8 24,395 -4,364
128 Silk (2015b) 15 18,112 14 18,987 -876
129 Spider-Man 2099 (2015) 18 18,053 17 19,271 -1,218
137 Power Man and Iron Fist (2016) (Black Cat) 11 17,078 10 19,934 -2,856
155 Spider-Woman (2015) 14 14,232 13 16,386 -2,154
159 Prowler (2016) 3 13,399 2 17,617 -4,219
204 Patsy Walker Aka Hellcat (2015) (Black Cat) 13 8,536 12 9,181 -646
213 Solo (2016) 3 8,158 2 12,723 -4,566



Qty Rank

Title Est Sales

Total Reported 
Est Sales

1 Love Is Love 9,659 9,659
2 Batman v9: Bloom 5,168 5,168
3 Descender v3: Singularities 5,020 5,020
4 Wolverine Old Man Logan 4,877 67,325
5 I Hate Fairyland v2: Fluff My Life 4,815 4,815
6 Invincible Iron Man v1: Reboot 4,398 9,986
7 Star Wars Poe Dameron v1: Black Squadron 4,256 4,256
8 Doctor Strange v1: Way Of Weird 4,164 4,164
9 Batman v10: Epilogue 4,149 4,149
10 Black Science v5: True Atonement 4,122 4,122
18 Spider-Gwen v2: Weapon Of Choice 2,848 2,848
22 Venom By Rick Remender v1 2,650 7,928
29 Superior Spider-Man v1: My Own Worst Enemy (Now) 2,463 20,328
61 Spider-Man Kravens Last Hunt 1,596 5,353
62 Silk v2: Negative 1,563 1,563
67 Amazing Spider-Man v18 1,480 1,480
69 Amazing Spider-Man v1: Parker Luck 1,383 14,238
77 Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Great Responsibility 1,300 1,300
79 Spidey Special v2: After School 1,276 1,276
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