Podcast #455-ASM 22 & 23, Clone Conpiracy #4, Renew Your Vows #2 & 3 Reviews

This is a giant episode with a total of five reviews. The Spider-Panel tackles reviews of
*Amazing Spider-Man # 22 & 23
* Clone Conspiracy #4
*Renew Your Vows # 2 &3


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Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other recent shows, they’re right here.
Podcast #454-Spider-History January 1989
Podcast # 453-Friday Night Venom Fight
Podcast #452-Friday Night Goblin Fight
Podcast #451-Crawlspace Christmas Gift Exchange
Podcast #450-Spider-News
Podcast #449-Reviews of Clone Conspiracy #2 & 3, Renew Your Vows #1 and ASM (Vol. 4) #21

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  1. You guys were remarkably hard on the ASM/CC issues. Even Brad, who tends to walk on the sunshiny side of the street, gave it lower marks than his normal. Ashley really hated it. I wasn’t able to get to the complete end of the podcast, did you get to “Round The Interwebs”? Is everyone else pouring unicorns and lollypops on the series?

  2. Yes, the description above says that RYV #2 and #3 are reviewed on this episode. But the iTunes description says that only issue #2 is reviewed. So the iTunes description is incorrect.

  3. Slight slip of the tongue while reviewing RYV #2, when I referred to sauropods as ‘meat eaters.’ I meant to say ‘plant eaters’ but guess I was talking too fast. That being said I also believe I was incorrect to refer to infer that stegasaurs (i.e. Stegron) would be classified as sauropods. They had their own suborder, Stegosauria. My bad!

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