Podcast # 454- Spider-History January 1989

JR takes us back to January 1989 for this month in Spider-History. He reviews
*Web of Spider-Man # 46
*Amazing Spider-Man #311
*Spectacular Spider-Man# 146
As if reviewing issues in the Inferno crossover weren’t enough, JR tackles Atlantis Attacks. This is a thing we’re going to do more of since we often don’t tackle the annuals. These are the annuals that came out in 1989. JR reviews
*Web of Spider-Man Annual # 5
*Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 23
*Spectacular Spider-Man Annual # 9


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If you missed the other recent shows, they’re right here.

Podcast # 453-Friday Night Venom Fight
Podcast #452-Friday Night Goblin Fight
Podcast #451-Crawlspace Christmas Gift Exchange
Podcast #450-Spider-News
Podcast #449-Reviews of Clone Conspiracy #2 & 3, Renew Your Vows #1 and ASM (Vol. 4) #21

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1 Comment

  1. I proudly still own Amazing #311 to this day. Being that Mysterio is my favorite Spider-Man villain, I had to have this issue. Bought it back in 1995.

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