Podcast #447: 2016 Spider-Jeopardy with the Review Staff

This years Spider-Jeopardy is with our Crawlspace review staff. The original recording was damaged and instead of wasting George’s months of work we turned to our review staff to see who has the most Spider-Knowledge. On the show are:
*Michael Bailey, former Amazing Spider-Man reviewer and host of the Views From the Long Box podcast. 
*Eddie who reviews Spider-Man/ Deadpool, Deadpool Back in Black and various mini-series. He also does action figure reviews and had a podcast called The Action Figure Blues Podcast.
*Sean reviews Spider-Woman and Silk for the Crawlspace. He has also reviewed several symbiote books over the years .Here are his reviews over the years.
*Mark is one of our current Amazing Spider-Man reviewers. He also does the awesome Cobwebs articles on the front page.
*Javi is our reviews Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man (Miles). Check out his past reviews here.
*Neil is our other current review of Amazing Spider-Man on our site along with the Avengers book. Here are his past reviews. 

There are 54 questions and nine categories and those include:
*Team Up aka Suck it JR
*Bad Villains
*Cissy Ironwood Damn it
*Webs on Films
*Hold the Peter Please
*Name that Story
*Shit my Publisher Says
*Strange Spidey


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other recent shows, they’re right here.

Podcast#446-Friday Night Wolverine Fight
Podcast # 445-
Spider-History November 1996
Podcast # 444-Writer Gerry Conway Interview
Podcast #443- Spider-News for November.
Podcast #442-Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 4) # 19 & 20 and Clone Conspiracy #1 Review

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Tangled Webs: Unresolved Spider-Man Storylines

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  1. Sorry to hear about the problems with the original recording, and sad that we won’t hear the regular panel play Spider-Jeopardy. But this sounds very interesting and it could well turn out to have been a happy accident.

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