September 2016 Sales Figures

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Sales Figures Provided by Comic Book Resources

From what we can see, Marvel is slowing gaining ground as Rebirth is levelling out, but they still have some way to go, so for now they have to be content with only 2 titles being in the top 20, 2nd being Star Wars #23. As for Amazing Spider-Man #18, as you can see, while it wasn’t by much it has decreased in sales, but due to the Rebirth euphoria effect dissipating, it’s gone up in ranks.

Now all we need to see is whether or Amazing Spider-Man  continues to go up the ranks and how it will against Renew Your Vows, which but all indications has been greatly received, as evidenced by Bleeding Cools Advance Reorders Chart


Qty Rank Title # Est Sales Prev Issue Prev Issue


1 Batman (2016) 6 138,853 5 142,142 -3,289
2 All Star Batman (2016) 2 137,748 1 289,348 -151,600
3 Batman (2016) 7 135,585 6 138,853 -3,268
4 Civil War II (2016) 5 120,208 4 126,865 -6,657
5 Justice League (2016) 4 94,547 3 110,737 -16,190
6 Walking Dead (2003) 158 94,315 157 104,595 -10,280
7 Trinity (2016) 1 93,797 * * *
8 Supergirl (2016) 1 90,246 * * *
9 Suicide Squad (2016) 2 89,575 1 217,672 -128,097
10 Justice League (2016) 5 89,341 4 94,547 -5,206
24 Amazing Spider-Man (2015) 18 71,158 17 74,869 -3,711
28 Spider-Man/Deadpool (2016) 9 65,502 8 69,519 -4,017
45 Deadpool (2015) Annual 1 51,609 * * *
54 Invincible Iron Man (2015) (Mary Jane) 13 48,393 12 50,570 -2,177
61 All New All Different Avengers (2015) 14 45,509 13 46,257 -748
63 Spider-Man (2016) 8 44,744 7 47,678 -2,934
65 Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man (2016) 4 41,899 3 44,471 -2,572
79 Spider-Gwen (2015b) 12 34,003 11 36,211 -2,208
94 Gwenpool (2015) 6 25,889 5 30,231 -4,342
103 Civil War Ii: Kingpin (2016) 3 22,396 2 28,720 -6,324
108 Spider-Man 2099 (2015) 15 21,361 14 21,908 -547
112 Silk (2015b) 12 20,804 11 21,833 -1,029
116 Carnage (2015) 12 19,786 11 20,708 -922
124 Spider-Woman (2015) 11 17,743 10 19,251 -1,508
127 Spidey (2015) 10 17,399 9 18,348 -949
128 Web Warriors (2015) 11 16,808 10 14,065 +2,743
133 Venom: Space Knight (2015) 12 16,193 11 17,548 -1,355
168 Patsy Walker Aka Hellcat (2015) (Black Cat) 10 11,163 9 10,486 +677
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1 Comment

  1. Man Civil War should not be that high especially how crap it is. I hope when Renew comes out it wipes the floor with Amazing and shows Marvel that the sales of the last Renew was no fluke.

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