Collectors for August 21st, 2016. See more at
Collectors 9-4-16

Eddie deAngelini is a long time comic book fan and collector. He is the writer and artist of the internet comic strip Collectors, which is loosely based on his own life, marriage and comic collecting obsession. His love of comics began at a young age and his claim to fame is owning every issue of Amazing Spider-Man. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Kristen, where they plan together for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
It’s Collectors’ Comics History 101 with a hard hitting question: Who REALLY created Spider-Man? Collectors for 9-27-2020. Get more at
Honestly, the contingency plan thing is what bothers me about Batman, the writers have to basically make him impossibly smart just to justify him being on the League. Batman’s really better when he’s shown as being vulnerable and flawed, someone who doesn’t always have the answers in advance but does the best he can. Thank god I don’t have a wife to make perfect jabs at me over stuff like this….
That’s pretty close to the conversation that’s happening
on the other end!