Trigger Warning: “Stark Suit”
Good God Almighty. I’m trying, Crawlspacers. I am trying so hard to be open about the new MarvelSony Spidey movie. I desperately want to be enjoying something – anything – Spidey related again. I’ve been […]
Good God Almighty. I’m trying, Crawlspacers. I am trying so hard to be open about the new MarvelSony Spidey movie. I desperately want to be enjoying something – anything – Spidey related again. I’ve been […]
This is a double ad. One is advertising a Spidey webshooter. The other ad is promoting the Power Records. I’ve included a couple pics of what they looked like at retail.
The blurb from Marvel for this issue is, “Spider-Man and the Santerians team up to fight a foe that will shake what faith they have!” What faith they have? If I read the first five […]
Hey folks. SDCC just finshed and if you are anything like me your wallet is aching at the goodies unveiled. Let us take a look at some of the highlight revealed at SDCC featuring Spider-man […]
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