Donald Glover Joins Spider-Man Homecoming

donaldgloverspider-man-630x420Donald Glover has been cast in an unspecified role in the upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming film coming out in 2017 . Glover is a big Spider-Man fan. He has voiced Miles Morales in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon. He also petitioned to get the role that went to Andrew Garfield. Glover did make it into that film if you check out this picture in Garfield’s room.




Glover even wore a Spider-Man shirt in a scene in his NBC comedy Community.
luhb2jpjifisgtvl58j1 (1)Who do you think he will be playing? Hobie Brown? Randy Robertson?  Glove is 32 years old, Tom Holland is 20  years old. So Miles Morales seems out. Comment below to discuss.

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  1. The gang would all call Pierce “The Tinkerer” and he would assume it’s a compliment.

  2. Oh, no, now I want the Community Six to be the Sinister Six!

    Troy is Electro
    Abbed is Shocker
    Shirley is Black Cat; she assumes “Black” suggest race, and that’s not nice
    Britta is the worst
    Annie is also the Black Cat. Shirley sees Annie’s wearing the costume better and gets jealous.
    Jeff is Kraven as an excuse to not wear a shirt

    Pierce is angry he’s being excluded, and tries to start the Legion of Doom, but has no clue what these references are.

  3. @WolfCypher – That’s why I think that if Glover is playing a character from the comics he’ll be Robbie. And JJJ will be de-aged to be in his late 30s/early 40s.

    Although … I just looking online, and now my hope is that Glover plays the Hypno-Hustler!

  4. @my own post
    I meant Randy, not Robbie in that post.

    But isn’t RANDY the same age as Peter? Isn’t Glover in his 30s? Aren’t we done casting adults as teens? Since Peter is going to be hip and young, wouldn’t RANDY, being in his age range, be played by someone closer to a teen’s age?

  5. But isn’t Robbie the same age as Peter? Isn’t Glover in his 30s? Aren’t we done casting adults as teens? Since Peter is going to be hip and young, wouldn’t Robbie, being in his age range, be played by someone closer to a teen’s age?

  6. I can really see Marvel de-aging all of the supporting cast, making Donald Glover Robbie, and some actor in his 30s JJJ.

  7. My only problem with him being Robbie is that they’d have to find a way to have him radically altered as a character. Maybe as JJJ’s intern, but so many people would be angry at that.

    My money’s on Randy. Or hell, it could even be Ned Leeds or Flash Thompson, the former being more likely. It wouldn’t be the first time Marvel has played the race-bending card, Ned was even an Asian in Spectacular. The possibilities are endless. (And by endless I mean about a good two dozen)

  8. He doesn’t strike me as a good fit for Robbie, even if they do go with a younger version of the character. My bet is on Prowler or Randy.

  9. Robbie would be good. So would Hobie. Since we are focused on the high school, he could be a teacher. Mr. Warren, maybe? That would open him up to future roles if we ever go with clones in the MCU. *shudder*

  10. Given how Marvel Studios seems to be making the Spidey characters younger, it wouldn’t surprise me if Glover was playing Robbie Robertson.

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