HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTEN! See more at www.collectorscomic.com.
Collectors 6-19-16

Eddie deAngelini is a long time comic book fan and collector. He is the writer and artist of the internet comic strip Collectors, which is loosely based on his own life, marriage and comic collecting obsession. His love of comics began at a young age and his claim to fame is owning every issue of Amazing Spider-Man. He currently lives in Los Angeles with his wife Kristen, where they plan together for the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
Join me in wishing George Berryman a big happy 46th birthday. I slaved over a hot Photoshop stove to make a Spidey Stegron tail cake. It’s very delicious and will knock you out after one […]
Chances are if you are on this site you have seen the third Captain America film ‘Civil War’ and probably own the blu ray. If not be warned possible spoilers ahead. So with every […]
Send us a postcard!
By the way, my daughter’s headed there for a Jamberry thing very soon!
Hope Kristen has a very Happy Birthday!!! 🙂
Just took the family to Disney World last September. I know the wallet pain!
I like the visual of your drawing over the photo. Nice touch!