Is Michael Keaton Getting Ready To Fly Into A Spider-Web?

KeatonWings1He’s been a Batman. He’s been a Birdman. And now he may don wings once more and take to the skies fighting Spider-Man.

According to Variety, Michael Keaton is in “early talks” to play the villain in the upcoming third Spider-Man reboot – featuring the first MCU Spidey, played by Tom Holland. From Variety:

Sources tell Variety that Keaton is in early talks to play a villain in the Marvel and Sony co-production “Spider-Man: Homecoming,” starring Tom Holland as the latest Spidey.

Marvel and Sony had no comment on the casting.

For Keaton, it also marks a switch from DC Comics to Marvel. The Oscar nominee famously played the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s “Batman” in 1989, causing his career to skyrocket.

The villain Keaton is being eyed to play is also being kept under wraps.

The villain is heavily rumored to be the Vulture, Adrian Toomes. But none of that is confirmed yet. Still, Vulture would be the obvious choice for Sony since previous Spider-films have come close to using Toomes at one point or another.

–George Berryman!

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  1. @#9 – Half of the original Sinister Six have still yet to be adapted into live-action.

  2. I think it would be funny if it turns out he’s cast as JJJ.

    Hey, if DC is going to steal JK Simmons, then anyone is fair game.

  3. Well, maybe they’ll get the costume right in the movie.
    To wit: in the comics, he’s an elderly geezer, therefore, I
    always thought his leggings should go up to his armpits.

  4. Honestly, I have to agree with above comments in hoping it’s not Vulture, I don’t think he’d really be right for that particular role, and there are far better Spidey villains who I feel deserve the spotlight (we need to see an onscreen Mysterio already!!!) He’d definitely make a good Osborn though, I think it’d be a bit soon to have a goblin as main villain after Amazing Spider-Man 2, but maybe he could be a supporting character and mentor to Peter for a few films first. (I’ve always wanted to see a film series that does that instead of making him the main villain from the start or building him up as a shady threat before killing him off after one scene and presumably resurrecting him in a film that never happens…)

  5. Is that the official titel for the spidey film? Not crazy about it, But it could be worse I guess.

  6. I can see him as J. Jonah Jameson, to be honest. If (HUUUUUGE if) he is the Vulture, then and only then can I give a damn about the Vulture if the Vulture is even in the film (HUUUUUGE if))

  7. I thought he would make a nice Osborn. I don’t really care that they did Norman in the first Raimi film, it’s been long enough to bring back the ultimate Spidey villain in my opinion.

    Vulture would be boring but it could still be a good movie with any villain if the writing and performances are good. Here’s hoping.

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