Amazing Spider-Man writer Dan Slott recently talked with CBR about his future plans on the book. Some things I took away from the interview:
*He has long term plans for the book and has it mapped out for several years.
*He’s not a fan of Mindworm or Judas Traveler. Do these two characters have fans?
*He’s not going to leave the book until he is fired.
Slott recently did the math on his run on the book. This month marks his sixth year of writing the book solo. He started two years earlier working on the book with a team of writers. So overall it’s been eight years of Slott on Spidey. What are your thoughts on his longevity and the interview? Share them in the comments. I’m warning early, avoid personal attacks. I’ve embedded two videos below.
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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It doesn’t really matter. Spider-Man is unsalvageable until One More Day is retconned out of existence.
@#17: In regards to the sales of the book, never underestimate the power of a strong gimmick + big promotional pushes months in advance + snazzy art + shittons of variants. They can make almost anything sell.
Alsoi didn’t Brevoort’s manifesto back int eh day say Spider-Man was too far away from his roots when he was simply living with the Avengers and had mystic powers?
@#20: Back in Black Cat is one of the single worst Spider-Man stories ever done period.
I stopped buying any Spider-Man comics after OMD. I picked up the trade where Slott introduced Spider-Man 2099 to the present day, and he wrote the character well, but the trade felt like it should have been one or two issues–tops–and not the four or five that it apparently actually was.
There were times where I was tempted to pick up a comic just to see what was being done with it, but flipping through I found a lot of things that were distasteful and seemed REALLY out of character for Peter/Spider-Man, especially the masks-on anonymous sexual relationship with Black Cat and the fact that he was living with that annoying police officer character (I got the Spider Island trade from the library–the most entertaining parts of that book were the Venom portions that were written by someone else). I also thought it was weird that Peter got so mad when the cop lady figured out who he was. People figuring out who Peter is–especially those close to him–is a staple of the character.
I could go on and on, but I’m actually looking forward to the day where Slott is fired and someone who gets the character, respects him, and wants to write him correctly can come on board.
I feel like he does these interviews and sound bites to just twist the knife cause he knows he has a ton of spidey-fans who don’t like his work and some hate it like myself.
What a clever business model. Move Spider-Man elsewhere so OTHER characters can fight HIS villains! GENIUS!!!!!!
@#4: Nah, man there are much easier and less destructivr ways to fix what has been broken.
@#8: The Mindworm who died in Jenkins run resembled no version of the character ever. I’m thinking it wasn’t canon.
@#14: Jason Aaron did the dumbass Wolverine/Spider-Man mini-series where Spider-Man was mindfucked into falling in love with a woman for 3 years and then goes back to normal like nothing happened. He isn’t the right fit for Spider-Man. Greg Weisman probably is though.
@#15: Situations he shouldn’t be in…like being married? That statement is so fucking dumb because…no. Most of us WANT a street crime down to Earth Spider-Man. Slott himself HATES the spy parents storyline because it’s not in line with what Spider-Man is. I disagree but I understand. But you can’t hate that and then say, sure he fight a dimensional war and is Iron Man.
Put Spider-Man in the status quo he should be in and then move forward godammit.
I agree with AmFan15. That pretty much covers my sentiments as well. You simply can’t write a character well if you don’t understand what made the character work in the first place. And Slott doesn’t seem to understand Spider-Man at all. But, a lot of readers must not care, because if the book wasn’t selling, I’m sure Marvel/Disney wouldn’t hesitate to kick him to the curb.
I’m just surprised that they let Slott take Peter/Spidey so far away from his roots. Since they are apparently bringing the classic (young, broke, and insecure) version of the character to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it really seems like a bad time to have him appear nothing like that in the comics.
Why would he leave? I don’t know how comic writers get paid, but he must be one of the highest compensated writers in the industry. Isnt Amazing Spider-Man Marvel’s top tier books? If I am Slott only a move to the Avengers main book would be a step up. If I were him I would try to hang onto Spidey as long as possible, too!
On the other hand, if I am Marvel I need fresh ideas and new perspective. Have you read the new Iron Man books. They are very good and soon will have one of our favorite red-heads gracing it’s pages!
“That’s the fun of it…to put Peter in situations that you think he shouldn’t be in. That’s when the character gets interesting, when you get the fish so far out of water, that you think: well, what’s he gonna do now? But he still has to be Peter, because that’s who he is.”
Wow…I’ve never heard anyone be simultaneously be so right, yet so wrong at the same time at the same time.
I do agree that it can be interesting to have Peter be out of his element, and going up against characters that he ordinarily shouldn’t be able to beat…take Juggernaut and Firelord, for example. Stories like them show him being being unsure of himself, and nervous about what he’s going to be able to do…but then summoning up his inner courage, pulling his suit up, and using all of his power to pull through in the end. That is great storytelling, makes the character (and through him the reader) feel empowered, and gives us a hero that you can root for.
What is NOT interesting is to completely change Peter’s character motivations and surroundings, and then try to figure out where he’ll go from there. Stories like that completely undermine Slott’s “he still has to be Peter, because that’s who he is” statement…because at that point, he has stopped being Peter Parker altogether. Peter Parker is not a multi-billionaire corporate jet-setter…if you want that, read about Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne. Peter Parker is the guy who has to figure out how he’s going to pay his rent, help Aunt May with doctor bills, and still have money left over to make web fluid. THAT is what makes him relatable, and that is why the character has lasted as long as he has.
Get him off the book. That’s what I’ve taken away from it. I’ve taken breaks for several years due to shitty Spider-Man writers and looks that way again. Out of all the new #1’s I’ve read so far- the one I’m really not a fan of is ASM- and Spidey is my all time favorite.
This story and status quo is not inventive or inspired like the one jem Slott had with Superior. This is Iron Man. It’s set up EXACTLY like 80’s Iron Man. From Peter to his supporting cast. Which might even be fine because Slott has no idea how to write any of these people in character.
I don’t understand how people like this book. Is it because how Spider-Man is portrayed in other media like the cartoon, video games and toys? A comedy relief clown shoe that kinda saves the day as long As he has help? For someone who claims to be such a fan- he should pass the torch in respect for the character because he is not doing it justice. So he knows who White Dragon and Judas Traveller are…anybody with Google and a passion for fan fiction apparently can write Spider-Man then.
Give the book to Jason Aaron. Whenever the dude writes Spidey he knocks it out of the park along with whatever else he writes. Someone else cause until Slott is gone- I won’t be there with my money. Hopefully Miles will give me my Spider-Man fix…
God help us all.
Really, the Slott run is becoming more than a little repetitive at this point. We’ve had Peter making tech since Big Time–and why does he never permanently beef up his costume with these inventions (outside of the fact that he gives costumes away to the likes of Kaine and Clash)?
Peter being the tech inventor / mogul takes away from the already-cool Spider-power set, which along with the cast and villains, now has to be farmed out to X number of other spinoff books.
@#2- I think that’s just it. I don’t think Slott has jinxed himself, but I do think he’s set things up so that he has to end up eating crow if- let’s say around July or October 2016- that they announce a relaunch for the series and Slott’s not a part of it.
Remember that he gets enjoyment out of imagining how angry he’s making certain people.
I now hate Dan more than I ever did before.
Mr. Slott seemed to be enjoying himself during these two videos, and it does seem kind of cool that he’s willing and able to use characters an ideas from many different eras of Spider-Man and that he has a plan for the future of the comic. I avoided Superior Spider-Man like the plague (why did the time that I decided to start picking up Spider-Man comics have to be during a time when Peter was dead, with no end in sight?), but when I finally gave in, I did end up enjoying the read. That being said, I’ve yet to get pulled into his new reboot stuff. The glowing green stuff on the costume still bothers me. Thanks for the link, Brad!
Well, Mindworm died at the end of Paul Jenkins run on Spider-Man. He was used in Spider-Girl too but met his end at the hands of the original Hobgoblin. Can they do a new Mindworm, sure, but make it a good story. Not: “What? Peter bought my old building. I’ll fix him good. FLAME ON!”
I remember listening to the “Bertone Bio” of Mindworm and, while he didn’t sound that memorable, he didn’t sound that bad either. At least compared to Judas Traveller.
I think it’s great that he’s enthusiastic about writing the series, but we shouldn’t take this comment as “proof” that Slott will never, ever, ever leave the series or that Marvel won’t let him go and we’ll be stuck with him for another decade or so.
And off the cuff statement that was likely steeped in hyperbole is in no way an official statement that Slott will remain on the series indefinitely.
As I said elsewhere, all Slott has ensured is that there will be an awkward conversation with Marvel when they DO decide to replace him.
Well… I’m out.
And I’m sure that comment was directed at us.
8 years of deconstructing the character.
What is ironic is that when he started writing spidey 8 years ago we were fresh out of the omd status quo change. So we had a single, broke, manchild peter Parker whose secret identity was a secret; therefore making him “relatable”. Guess it took 8 years under the pen of this amazing writer to change the least important part of the above description. And somehow it makes him less relatable.
When he will leave the book, we will be looking at another omd level retcon in order to swipe this run under the rug and start anew.
This Spider-man willnot be getting my money.
He is jinxing himself right there about staying on the book until he is fired. How many writers have said: “I have big plans for the series.” Then they either decide to leave or are taken off the books. It has happened to even Chris Claremont, Cullen Bunn, Geoff Johns and Chris Yost. I agree, he never got asked real hard questions like his Twitter remarks to people or how a lot of people don’t like his work. He could then respond: “Well, I only can take insults so long.” Or “Well, not everyone is going to like what they read, everyone has different tastes.” Instead he likes to say: “They don’t get the beauty of my work.” Or “I know better than the fans.” Which is how the current writers of Castle are acting and why I dropped the TV series. As much as it it crazy, I’m going back to Spidey comics but with All-New, All-Different Avengers and Spider-Man (Miles) in February. I tried Dan, I love your new Zodiac but this isn’t working for Peter and Company.
Sorry, I don’t want to see classic Spidey villains fighting other heroes in the Spider-Verse.
Please bring back the old Peter Parker. Should have asking Slott the hard-hitting question – what do you say to critics who think your story lines stink.
Please bring back the old Crawlspace where I could click a box to get updates on comments by e-mail.