Tom Holland Talks Spidey Near-Injury & Chris Hemsworth

THollandSpider-Man actor Tom Holland recently discussed almost getting injured before shooting his final scene on the Captain America: Civil War set. Via

“It was my own mistake. I basically fell over and bashed my face in front of about two hundred crew members, so not my most heroic moment! I was getting into position, everything went wrong, and they still did the take anyway.”

Holland also talked about his pal Thor, Chris Hemsworth, who also stars with him in an upcoming Ron Howard movie. Via CosmicBookNews:

“Hemsworth is a good friend of mine, and I work with him. I have a film that’s coming out in a couple months, actually, and he sent me a congratulatory note and also just a few words of advice about ‘remain cool, it’s all going to get a little crazy, but just enjoy life while no one knows who you are and do some traveling.'”

Aaand now I want to see Spidey and Thor kicking something’s butt in the MCU. Heh.

–George Berryman!

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  1. Getting injured and embarassing yourself in front of hundreds of people? Maybe he was the right choice for Spider-Man 😉

  2. Almost getting injured?! He WAS injured,didn’t you see his face in the vid? lol! Looked like someone smacked him around a bit. Hopefully new pics of him will be widely available soon,as he doesn’t have that mole on his chin anymore.

    Guessing there’ll be some kinda CapAm trailer attached to the SW movie in December.


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