Spider-Ads #26

Spider-Man_1991_flyer_US_zpseacc033aThis is a video game ad that probablly appeared in GamePro back in 1991. This video game was a bit odd. It had Spidey teaming up with Black Cat, Hawkeye and the Submariner? I played it a few times and a friend of mine offered to sell me the cabinet and game for $800. I passed. Here’s a walk-through of the game.

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Spider-Ads #5

In 1998, former EIC of Marvel Bob Harras was going to various comic cons dropping off these collector lithographs of the Spider-Man titles “reboot” of 1998. There were actually three sets of these, this one […]


  1. I remember feeding a couple quarters into this once as a kid. It was a bizarre game–the one thing that sticks in memory awake defeating Venom early on and he then grows into a giant as tall as the screen.

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