Gwenpool Coming Soon?

gwenpoolMarvel sent me a press release with just the subject title “Seriously?!?!…Gwenpool?” So are we getting an ongoing or a mini-series?
It makes sense if you do the math.
Spider-Man +Gwen= Spider-Gwen money
Deadpool +Gwen= Gwenpool money

What’s next for the blonde that has been dead since 1973?

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  1. … a’ght, Spider-Gwen was a big enough stretch, but look Marvel. This s*** ain’t funny anymore.

  2. No, wait, I got one… Gwenphisto! It’s an integral part of Slott’s fanfic, where Gwenphisto separates Peter and MJ to have Peter all to herself in the Gwend New Day reality!

    …George is gonna rip me apart for that one.

  3. This is just another attempt at a cash grab… and a weird one too. On another note, Mary-Jane is confirmed to show up in Invincible Iron Man….
    That can’t end well

  4. Okay, first, many of the above suggestions are hilarious, especially Kenneth really kicking it old school with references to Werewolf by Night, Marvel Treasury Edition #25, and Crystar – Crystal Warrior. Well done! Second, stop giving Marvel ideas! I mean, come on, “Gwens of the Galaxy” and “Gwenom” is totally something they would do! Before you know it, we’ll have reached Maximum Gwenage! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

  5. @Al: Deadpool is not a fratboy. Theres a certain section of his fanbase that ascribes him that characteristic, because they want to see themselves in him, and that has given other people that impression. Otherwise, I agree with most of what you quoted 🙂

  6. Gwentastic Gwens
    Gwenwolf by Night
    Gwenbius the Living Gwenpire
    Omegwen the UnGwen
    Gwenstar, the Gwenstal Warrior
    Devil DinoGwen
    Howard the Gwen
    Gwenage Control
    Gwen001: A Gwen Odyssey
    Marvel Treasury #25: The Gwenter Olympics
    Gwenberg the Vampire
    Not Gwen Ecch
    ObGwenxio the Gwen
    Conan the BarbariGwen

    That’s about it. *Forest Gump glance*

  7. They had to make her expose her thighs because……?

    Ok, wait, I have the name of a few future titles (not events like Hugo listed):
    Gwen of America
    Iron Gwen
    Gwen Fist
    Power Gwen
    Gwens of the Galaxy
    Gwen: Asgardian of Thunder
    Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Gwens
    The Incredible Gwen
    Gwen Marvel

  8. World War Gwen? Civil Gwen? ShadowGwen? Gwen Itself? Secret Gwens? Gwenfinity? Age of Gwen? Gwen Island? Gwen Reign? Gwenumanity? Original Gwen? Clone Gwen? Gwens Reborn? Age of Gwen? The Dark Gwen Saga? Avengers Vs X-Men: Gwen?

  9. Brilliant comment summing this up:

    “It just goes to prove that Gwen is a blank cipher and has no discernable personality, goals or motivation.
    She’s just a cute blonde paperdoll to dress up in various, inevitably fetishized costumes.
    Also? If Gwen’s true fanbase is young girls who loved Emma Stone and want to see an empowered female –
    – then combining her with Deadpool is the exact opposite of that. Deadpool is an uberviolent frat boy and the opposite of a female-positive figure.
    In truth, I think Marvel is hoping this will be their Harley Quinn, as so far they don’t have a cute widdle amoral girlie killer. Which again shows the House of Idea is creatively bankrupt.”

  10. Wake me when this Gwen Stacy zeitgeist wave crashes and burns itself out. The new Spider-Man movies can’t come fast enough.

    So not interested.

  11. So what other Gwen titles should we expect in the future Gwen-Thing, Beta Ray Gwill, Gwalactics and her Gwilver Surfer,Dr Stacy, Scarlet Gwitch, QuickGwilver and the entire Gwevengers??
    But really I’m kind of expecting this to be a tongue-in-cheek mini series similar to the ‘Marvel Now What?’ from 2013.

  12. ……huh.

    Sometimes it feels like Marvel’s personally invested in intentionally destroying everything I enjoy.

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