New Tom Holland Peter Parker

11737872_1586029528329779_6099397269122659536_nThe reaction to the new Joker picture was mixed, but what do you think of the new look of Tom Holland as Peter Parker in the new movie? Do you think Marisa “Aunt May” Tomei would approve? 

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  1. This pic just makes me feel even more strongly that Tom Holland looks & should of been a great Harry Osborn. Whom ever did this pic is not helping to make him look or feel like peter parker at all. Even in a joke, its bad form

  2. @5

    Its a joke. Meaning the anti-Miles statement wasn’t done seriously or with intent to offend. Nobody is suggesting Peter should have such a tattoo, just the opposite actually.

    Re: the pic itself, it is a depressingly apt joke at the expense of current casual fans. Its surprising how little understanding of these characters people have in spite of them being a part of pop culture for the better part of a century.

  3. Oh, and I´m not pointing out someone in particular with that last line. Just speaking generally.

  4. This has got to be the shittiest photoshop I have ever seen. And I´m getting really tired of people shitting on Miles. You are allowed to not like him, but theres no need to ridicule and belittle him and his fans just because of it.

  5. He’s also got tattoo’s on his back:

    That’s right, I’m white!

    I’m not gay and that’s OK

    I’m a bug but I don’t do drugs


    If you’re underage I won’t sexually engage


  6. Controversial but I like it. Does the average nerd have tattoo’s on their foreheads though? I get the ‘With Great Power’ but ‘Fuck Miles’? I dunno about that. I saw a kid walking around with ‘Fuck OMD’ on his neck with ‘Fuck red pigeons’ on his leftt cheek the other week so maybe it’s not that uncommon. Is this the outfit also? Just a glove and the mask on his arm? Marvel are definitely trying to be unique here so I’ll give them props for that.

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