Happy Birthday, Ashley!

HBAshleyToday our latest addition to the podcast (and resident Black Cat fanatic) turns… err… 20-something! 23? 24? I honestly can’t remember anymore!

She’s been a very welcome addition and we love hearing her viewpoint every time we record. So Happy Birthday, Ashley!

Crawlspacers, drop her a line and say Happy Birthday! Because that’s the Crawlspace way!

George Berryman!

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  1. @16 While an idea, all fanfics will do is remind of the mess she’s currently in. ;_; as I type.

  2. Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone, and again to George for finding the most kickass way to embarrass the crap out of me xD

    @10 Don’t fret, there’s always fanfiction! *cries into keyboard*

  3. Happy Birthday Ashley!

    Hopefully this is the year Black Cat returns to who we remember and not what Slott made her.

  4. Ashley adds a dash of droll, understated sarcasm to the over-the-top podcast team! Happy birthday!

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