Bendis Writes New Miles in 616 Series

spidey21n-1-webIt seems after Secret Wars, Miles Morales will be sticking around in the 616 universe with Spider-Man. New York Daily News was given a scoop by Marvel revealing the creative team of the new book which will simply be called “Spider-Man.” Brian Michael Bendis will write it and Sarah Pichelli will pencil it. What do you think of the news? 

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  1. @49

    I’m not worried they’re going to replace Peter in the long term. That would almost certainly never happen. What very easily could happen though is replacing him for 1-3 years. That would be 1-3 years I don’t get Spider-Man stories. I don’t want that.

  2. @46

    With the new 52… Batman, not so much, but Superman is no longer married himself; editorial mandate, he’s dating Wonder Woman now, and now his identity is revealed to the world. Though I think they’re doing something new with the character (the black shirt and jeans combo is still dumb. The short hair is even more dumb)
    I also believe that Aquaman is also not married anymore, for what that’s worth. DC has done some of the same things. In fact, people have a disdain for how they’re treating Superman similarly to how people dislike how Marvel is treating Spider-Man. Just to give a little perspective.

    Again, everyone’s so worried about Miles taking over Peter’s spot, like when Doc Ock took over Peter’s body. Miles won’t do this. (I hope not.) Peter’s not going anywhere. Peter’s still going to be written by Slott and they’re still going to keep him in that one spot forever. (I’ll be really happy if I’m wrong, though)

    I’d love to see more stories written with Peter being married. But I don’t think those are the kind of stories that Marvel’s interested in telling anymore. Apparently Slott wanted to write more stories with a married Peter. I think that’s what led up to Renew Your Vows.

    Look at how they dumbed down Peter during Brand New Day, sleeping with Black Cat and stuff. There was no way that they would have been able to do that had they kept the marriage. I think a big part of how they perceive people reading Spider-Man is wish fulfillment. (I preferred a healthy relationship being married with Mary Jane than sexual fantasy of sleeping with Black Cat, but whatever) They apparently think that being SINGLE is a major part of being Spider-Man. (Other than when he’s being forced by editorial mandate to be with Silk)

    But for me, for people who liked the status quo prior to OMD, we liked seeing a Peter that was grown up, married, and having to deal with stuff. I think that things like that are too permanent for the editors at Marvel. I think they want to give people as much of a blank slate as they can to get into reading/writing Spider-Man. Which is dumb.

    This is why I love Daredevil. Even at his worst (Shadowland), he still managed to bounce back. He’s still the same. But look at him also; They’re never going to have Matt get married again. He’s pretty much never really going to be happy. He’ll always be trying to get his law firm off the ground, something will happen, and he’ll have to build himself back up again. I think most of these comics go in broad cycles. That’s my opinion.

    But again; Miles has as much of a chance of taking over for Peter as does Miguel. Now, if Marvel DIDN’T get the rights back for Spider-Man… then anything was really fair game.
    They shoved Silk down your throats. Who knows what else they would have done? Miles will co-exist. I would never trust Marvel, but I’d at least trust Marvel to Peter around.

  3. @45 & 47

    Honestly, 3/4th of what I can’t stand Miles has nothing to do with with the character himself, but how he was presented. They kill off a perfectly good character that to my knowledge had performed mostly quite well in his ultimate run to create a half-black- half-hispanic alternative. Right off the bat I’m taken out of the story because just saying this SCREAMS “Editorial mandate for forced political correctness”. Hey, why stop at two minorities? Why not make him part Cherokee too? Then people start complaining how Miles should be the one in the movies as though it makes any kind of sense to place the weight of carrying a movie on a character less than five years old. Now there’s speculation he’ll be the new permanent Spider-Man replacing the most successful superhero of all time in spite of the fact that his books have never come close to matching Peter’s sales numbers (Or Miguel’s sales numbers, if my quick google search is accurate)?

    I’m reminded of an episode of the Cosby show. Vanessa had gotten engaged without telling her parents. Suddenly and without warning her parents are face to face with a fiance they didn’t know she had. He’s several years older than her, and is a maintainence worker at Vanessa’s college. That night’s dinner goes very poorly. By the end, her fiance is very offended and makes a comment to that effect. Bill explains thusly (paraphrased from memory, shortened for brevity):

    “Do you have a favorite meal? (he responds yes, steak) Ok, good. Say you’re at an outstanding restaurant and they’re cooking you a steak, for free. It has all the fixings, cooked exactly the way you like it. You’re just sitting there, excited because you know its on the way. You can see it in the kitchen being plated. The waiter pick it up, then before he comes over to you, he heads over to the garbage. He lifts up the lid, turns it upside down, and drops all the food off the plate onto the lid. Then he comes out and serves it to you. Not very appetizing anymore is it? That’s how you were served to us, on a garbage can lid.”

    That’s where Miles is for me at the moment, and I imagine for a fair number of Peter Parker fans. Even if he were written by some magical fusion of Stan Lee and Roger Stern, its hard to get excited for a character who’s been given to you this way. Honestly, if you just changed the kid’s name so it wasn’t Spider-Man and I knew he wasn’t an attempt to destroy a character that I love that’d go a loooooooong way towards my being able to enjoy him.

  4. @45 – “The general consensus that I’m getting from the site is is that they hate the PC-ness of Miles.”

    There was a PC-ness to the character at inception. Not so sure about the character now. The sudden great pressing social need to have him be the Spider-Man is definitely PC though.

    I’ll never be interested in an Ultimate universe character. Ever. That’s just how I am wired.

    @46 – “Really don’t care at all for Peter to be mentoring Miles in any capacity.”

    I’m fine with it so long as it happens in Miles’ book and not any main Spidey title featuring Peter. I’m sick and goddamn tired of Peter being demoted to a supporting character in his own book. If Peter does take a mentor role for Miles (again, please let it be in Miles’s book) then he should be allowed to be married again. Actually – the character should still be married anyway.

  5. @ #44

    I’ve been reading Spider-Man for 40 years too, and over the last 8 years, I hate how Spider-Man has been sidelined in his own book as an incompetent, ineffectual, bumbling and hedonistic buffoon. The devil-dealing 616 Mephisto-verse Peter Parker, truly showcases stupid editorial mandates, poor writing and the most absurd character derailment ever facilitated upon a flagship character.

    I will always regard the pre OMD Peter Parker, the one entrenched for decades into popular culture as the one and only true Amazing Spider-Man.

    @ #45

    I don’t quite get where you are coming from. So a 20-year old Peter can have stories that will never end, but a mature 28-year old Peter, a pre OMD Peter can only be written as finite??? Sounds like a contradiction to me. Can you imagine if DC had that attitude with their flagship characters that have been around 75 years. You don’t see DC regressing the main Superman or Batman titles into younger parodies of themselves.

    Really don’t care at all for Peter to be mentoring Miles in any capacity. I care even less about Miles being in the new 616 universe as Spider-Man. unless of course Marvel give him a new codename.

  6. @44

    Hi Chris.

    The general consensus that I’m getting from the site is is that they hate the PC-ness of Miles. I understand why fans feel that way, though I disagree. I’ve been with Miles since the beginning; it seems like a natural build-up of events.

    What I really disagree with is that you all think that Peter’s going away. Again, this is Marvel. Peter was just cast for a new film series; a new actor and director have been picked.
    Peter is not going anywhere.

    I will say this; my Peter died. Twice. (One was brought back but we currently have no idea where he is). You all will have your stories with 20-year-old Peter whose story will never end.

    In the end, this is the problem I have with Spider-Man (at least how writers treat 616 Peter) His story is a finite one. We all want him to grow up, to grow as a person. The only thing with this; It ends. And Marvel will never let Spider-Man end. So with this, come decisions that we all don’t really like. He will never evolve past what he currently is.

  7. Sometimes I feel I’m just getting too old for this.

    There are some very valid comments and appraisals going on here, and as someone who has been collecting Spider-Man for 40 years, I have to admit I am troubled by the recent revelations about the post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe. I have thought Marvel needed a Crisis-event for a long time, and I am happy to be getting one, but now I wonder if I should have been careful for what I wished for.

    One poster stated the Peter Parker we loved was killed off after OMD. I hate to admit it, but they are right. The character has been destroyed and maybe we have been too quick to blame Slott. He’s having to write stories using the corpse of the Peter many of us loved; how interesting can that be. Marvel has stripped Peter of all of the things that made him interesting, so now everything that he’s published in offends us.

    I hate the PC correctness being forced down our throats. But, Miles is a good character. I like his story and I liked the universe he was in. He fit well into it and that was what made him cool. Being biracial does not make you cool, how you react to your situations does. Bendis will write Miles very well and many of us will read it. Maybe Peter will become Jay Garrick to Miles’ Wally West; that would be cool if the reason Peter passes along the mantle is so he can spend more time with his wife and daughter. Who knows? I’m not ready to squash the spider just yet, but it saddens me to know that Peter’s character has been assaulted, molested, tortured and now seems to be subjected to a Ted Kord death because Marvel does not realize they already have a great diversity of characters.

    I do admire Marvel doing this to a top character (unlike DC who made a “major” character gay – the Earth-2 Green Lantern who is boring). I dare them to make Wonder Woman MIddle Eastern or Batman gay and black…but I digress.

    Change is hard, and I am torn because I really like Miles Morales; I just hate that it seems like to have one Spider-Man, I have to sacrifice the other,

  8. If Hal Jordan can come back after Zero Hour there is hope for Pre-OMD Peter Parker. As for Miles’ continuity I don’t care about the character but I hope and pray his continuity is the same. If basically this is on Battleworld and the USM universe is it’s own continent I will accept that as a lesser evil. But I think making Miles one of multiple Spider-Heroes in the 616 universe is a questionable idea to put it charitably.

    Also one of my earlier posts got caught in the spam filter could someone help me out please?

  9. Well whatever. To me, Peter will always be the one true Spider-Man. Not some cheap knockoffs like Miles or SPOck.

  10. @40
    Yes, I do know that Quesada’s at fault. The same people that say that they hated OMD are the ones who are lamenting the loss of ‘their’ Peter when they’ve lost ‘their’ Peter long ago. I stopped caring about 616 Peter a long time ago. My Peter isn’t coming back. For as long as Quesada is Editor in Chief, my Peter will always be gone.

    I’m debating on whether or not I will continue reading as well. Miles probably won’t age anymore, which will prove disappointing to me. I liked the growth his character had and that he was allowed to age a bit.

    Marvel just doesn’t care about Amazing Spider-Man. Amazing Spider-Man will sell no matter who’s writing it, what’s happening inside of it, who’s drawing it, whatever. So they’ll do whatever they want creatively. Lots of people didn’t like Superior, but that sold gangbusters.

    Miles hasn’t had a dumb retcon (yet). Miles had a strong start, with good supporting characters and trying to make his way in his world/universe.

    Peter’s going nowhere fast. Renew Your Vows is only going to end badly.

    You all worry about Miles replacing Peter.

    The damage to Peter has already been done. It’s just been so long that people don’t care about it as much anymore. But the thing is, Spider-Man as a brand will always sell. So Peter will always be around in some compacity.

    Also, “There can’t be two Spider-Men!!!!111!11”
    What about Hawkeye?
    Is Clint going anywhere?
    Is Katie interferring?
    No. They are both Hawkeye. They have a dynamic.

    Peter and Miles can have a dynamic too. We’ve seen it in Spider-Men.
    If you’re a fan of Peter; don’t worry about it. Marvel will continue to find ways to disappoint you, and it probably won’t involve Miles. They did that well before they brought on Miles into the world.

  11. @40

    You do realize that the whole “deal-with-devil” thing was Quesada’s fault, right?

  12. I’m still eagerly awaiting what happened to Ultimate MJ and Peter, I’m hoping they’ll still be around. Peter’s still going to be around. He’s in the Rage of Ultron graphic novel; that takes place post-Secret Wars. They just announced who’s playing Peter in Civil War. Amazing Spider-Man will come around with a new #1 come post Secret Wars. Peter’s not going anywhere (though my Ultimate Peter that was brought back when Miles’ relaunched, that’s who I want to know where he is)

    And in my eyes, even if Peter’s still going to be around, most people haven’t been happy with how Dan Slott’s been writing him.
    Also, if not for Slott, there’s still the fact that my Peter was replaced with Miles (who has been great), in addition to my 616 Peter dying when he sold his marriage to the devil. Renew Your Vows won’t change that. Nothing will really come from Vows except trolling, I’m sure.

    Bendis has kept up a consistent and great pace with the Ultimate Spider-Man series. It has reviewed well everywhere, to contrast it with Amazing Spider-Man. Look on this site; the reviews will be higher for Miles’ books than in Amazing. In the end, I will trust writers like Bendis more than I ever will a Mr. Slott. Other publications will agree, for example. (I’m not looking for validation; it’s just the consensus)

    How Miles is hated more than Devil-Peter I will never understand. Ultimate has had more consistent writing, art (in David Marquez and Sara Picheli to contrast Amazing’s Ramos/Camuncoli/the GLIMPSE of Coipel in comparison to Amazing.

  13. Some relevant info: So, what sort of surprises do you both have in store for readers as this release draws ever closer?

    Brian Michael Bendis: So many. A lot of people may be worried about Miles’ supporting cast, Miles continuity, Miles’ back story. Also exactly what Miles relationship is to the other characters. None of these things have been revealed and many of them will be surprising.

    And most importantly, the thing I get asked about every day, is a sequel to SPIDER-MEN, the [series] we did a couple of years ago where Peter Parker met Miles. Consider the first year of this book the sequel to that series. But if you never read that, don’t worry about it. It will all make sense.

  14. @32
    “Why is everyone acting so down on Miles”

    Because this guy is trying to replace the one-and-only Amazing Peter Parker in the 616 universe. As if replacing the Ultimate Peter wasn’t enough for him.

    “I’m kind of disappointed in the commiunty here”

    Why? Because we don’t like every concept Marvel throws at us?

    “Miles is a great character!.”

    Pfft…. really? I highly doubt that. Bias much?

    “It’s up to Bendis and Marvel to sell Miles to us in the new 616”

    Yea, more like it’s up Bedis and Marvel to retire the 616 Peter Parker in favor of a boring ultimate universe character so they could bring Miles in the movies.

    “He was a legacy character.”

    Nope. He’s just a bland replacement of the Ultimate Peter.

    “Now he’s coinciding with the main Spider-Man.”

    Oh, how nice. We should forget all about the REAL Spider-Man and read this cheap replacement’s adventures, ’cause this is what Marvel wants us to do, right? Like that’s gonna happen! >_>

  15. Sorry but one of my comments got trapped in the spam filter. Could someone help me out please?

  16. @#32-Personally I don’t dislike Miles but I just don’t have any interest in him, same way I lost interest in USm generally before USM #100. But I, and I think others, don’t like the further undermining of Peter Parker which this might entail. We don’t know if Miles will be coinciding with or replacing Peter. Either way in the wake of Spider-Verse, Spider Island, Superior, Silk and countless other stories over the past few years (including many Avengers guest appearances) many people here feel there has been a big mariginalisation and disservice done to the Peter Parker character and this might be part and parcel of that. Peter Parker right now needs a JMS style treatment wherein he is built back up and shown to be both competent, a big deal and generally shine a light on what makes him such a strong and viable character. Introducing a second Spider-Man to bounce around NYC alongside him or in lieu of him and emphasising them as of equal importance runs counter to that when Miles is a character who has thus far not endured any creative damage the way Peter has in recent years.

    Much like the original Ultimate Spider-Man comic with USM Peter Parker back in the 2000s fans are upset that Marvel is seemingly pushing this other version of Spider-Man who isn’t the original and isn’t the one people care about whilst letting that version languish in (to put it mildly) mediocrity.

    Peter’s character as of late has been a sales boosting mascot trophy. Someone to throw into a story to boost sales or to use as an excuse for another story which isn’t about him. Spider-Verse featured Peter and used his character as a flimsy prefix for what was ostensibly a fanservice story more investing for seeing the alternate Spider-Heroes bounce around and then push how great Otto, Silk and Spider-Gwen were in addition to how quirky thse other Spider-Heroes like Spider-Punk are. It wasn’t about Peter though and he was just one of many characters when he should’ve been the one true lead.

    And then there is Superior where Peter was someone to generate sales by virtue of his absence and return. It isn’t that sales would jump because how he returns is a good story, but because we care about him and merely having him shallowly show up after an absence makes a splash. It’s like a celebrity having a flashy stage entrance but then doing nothing else.

  17. @32 – I’m not down on Miles because of anything about him. I’m down on him because Marvel has decided to replace the real Peter Parker Spider-Man with him.

  18. @32 “Great character”? How? What is so “great” about him? His overpowered venom blast?

    No matter what you say, Miles is nothing but a replacement of the ultimate Peter Parker. Why should we support a wannabe Spider-Man like him who’s trying to snatch the 616 Peter’s role too?

  19. Why is everyone acting so down on Miles? I’m kind of disappointed in the community here. Miles is a great character! It’s up to Bendis and Marvel to sell Miles to us now in the new 616. He was a legacy character. Now he’s coinciding with the main Spider-Man.


    “It(miles) is the Spider-Man for kids of color, for adults of color and everybody else.”

    Heh, Bendis has no idea what he’s talking about. Miles is nothing but a boring character who replaced the ultimate universe’s Peter Parker, and now he’s going to take the 616 Peter’s role too. How lame is that? Why does most of Bendis’ creations (Miles, Ganke, Kong) suck so much?

  21. @28 “I don’t see what Scarlet Spider volume 2 has to do with this. Scarlet Spider isn’t Spider-Man. it’s a separate identity same way Supergirl and Batgirl are distinct from batman and superman”
    Well the Scarlet Spider identity sorta falls into that “derivation” category which includes legacy characters and those who take after the originals despite not being exactly the same identities; all of them are accused of “diluting the brand”. My bad, I should’ve been clearer on that point.
    “I’m aware it doesn’t prevent it from existing. It also however doesn’t make it right, or healthy for the character or even true to what the character is about.”
    Matter of opinion. You could just as well claim that Spider-Man’s nature as a force of good is bound to inspire people around him, just as he was inspired by others. Heck if we go by post-OMD history a lot of things about Peter are canon/in character despite what a vocal sector of the fanbase thinks; sure some character traits are more or less fixed but a lot of them will shift with every writer/editorial staff.

    “Well none of these replacements are going to stick. You have to be very naive/new to the ball game to think Sam Wilson and Jane Foster are truly going to be the permanent Cap and Thor, even if you take permanent to mean for the next 10 years. They obviously know how to reverse gears on it right now and aren’t sincerely committing to either concept the way they sincerely committed to Miles in USM.”
    Of course “commitment” here can mean a number of things. I think being commited to tell the current stories as well as possible should be enough, but that’s just me. I also think they’re aware these changes won’t stick, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be pursued.

    “If you are talking about ‘represented’ in terms of representing women and minorities then I’m not against that and never meant to imply I was.”
    Fair enough, I was just referring to the general argument on this page.

    “The thing for me though is that, like Miguel, I don’t like taking Miles out of his regular universe. It changes the status quo and dynamic too much.”

    Personally I dug the last 2099 run, even if I did want Miguel back on 2099. I believe David was playing with what he was given and did a commendable effort. I’m also skeptical about Miles on the new universe, but I’m waiting to see how it’s handled. If the new status quo builds upon or at least doesn’t negate the previous runs I’ll be willing to give it a chance.

  22. I can live with this if I get my married Peter Parker in his own ongoing title/s.

    Although I hate the idea of Miles replacing Peter, hate him having the “Spider-Man” name as if he was the true Spider-Man. And to be clear, this is nothing to do with race. He could be white and I would feel the same, he could be a pink flamingo and I would feel the same.

    In fact I LOVE that there are more people of colour in the Marvel Universe now. But they deserve their own characters, not to be knock off of established characters. For me Peter Parker IS Spider-Man. I do not care for any other Spider-man there is. I would be 100% into Miles as a character if he were his own superhero. Even with the knock off Spidey outfit. But he is not “Spider-Man”.

    And to be clear I hated “Ultimate Peter Parker” too. He was PP in name only.

  23. @#25-Well in the 1990s they weren’t even really supporting a legacy idea because the replacement character was supposed to still be the original.

    And whilst Marvel has supported the idea of Spider-Man as a legacy figure it’s only truly been that way in the Ultimate universe which isn’t the original/most popular/arguably most real version of the character.

    I don’t see what Scarlet Spider volume 2 has to do with this. Scarlet Spider isn’t Spider-Man. it’s a separate identity same way Supergirl and Batgirl are distinct from batman and superman.

    I’m aware it doesn’t prevent it from existing. It also however doesn’t make it right, or healthy for the character or even true to what the character is about. Creatively it is asinine to go ahead and truly make 616 Spider-Man a legacy character which was why the idea of doing it the way they did with Miles was actually pretty clever. Peter and Miles both co-existed in a way which was creatively and financially viable. Miles got to be a legacy character of a kind but we didn’t have to go through what happened to Hal or Barry which wouldn’t have worked with Peter.

    Well none of these replacements are going to stick. You have to be very naive/new to the ball game to think Sam Wilson and Jane Foster are truly going to be the permanent Cap and Thor, even if you take permanent to mean for the next 10 years. They obviously know how to reverse gears on it right now and aren’t sincerely committing to either concept the way they sincerely committed to Miles in USM.

    The point is though that Peter Parker, the 616 version, shouldn’t be treated as a legacy character in the first place not only because it’s undermining to his character but as I said it demonstrates an immense lack of creativity and aimless direction for his character. As I said if this happens it will be the third time in less than 5 years they’ve only been able to think of something creative with Spider-Man when they literally make him a different person entirely. But then again if he’s off the radar he can’t be damaged anymore than he already has been…in theory

    “I just can’t understand this notion that attempting to change the way stories and characters are (re)presented is always wrong because…?”

    If you are talking about ‘represented’ in terms of representing women and minorities then I’m not against that and never meant to imply I was. Like I said the way they initially did it with Miles in USM and Peter in ASM made a lot of sense and really worked.
    @#27-You could still call him Ultimate Spider-Man just as a honorary title acknowlddgeng where he came from. The name ‘Ulimate Spider-Man’ as a brand carried weight to it because of positive connotations built up from the original book and familiarity from the cartoon (despite the show being crap).

    It’s no different than having Spectacular Spider-Man as a title. He isn’t from the Spectacular universe.

    As for it being confusing with 2 different Spider-Men running around the same universe we’ve had that since 2014 with Miguel O’Hara.

    The thing for me though is that, like Miguel, I don’t like taking Miles out of his regular universe. It changes the status quo and dynamic too much.

    Imagine if Peter Parker was stuck in the 2099 universe cut off from his villains and supporting characters. It might be fun but it wouldn’t be as good. Actually we saw that in the Spider-Man Unlimited cartoon.

  24. @ #23 – Yeah, that works if we still had the Ultimate Universe that Miles used to inhabit, but regardless of what is printed on the cover, having 2 super-heroes with the same Spider-Man name in the all-new all-different Marvel Universe is a bit confusing.

    @ #26 – Well said, I totally agree. DC most certainly demonstrate a greater respect towards their A list super heroes.

  25. I’m not white, and I don’t like this. You don’t have to be white to prefer the character of Peter Parker over Miles Morales, just as you don’t have to be black to prefer Miles over Peter.
    Its not that I hate Miles, I just strongly prefer Peter. The thing I think DC does better is that they work hard to preserve their A listers, while Marvel seems to be doing everything in their power to stop Peter Parker from growing as Spider-Man.

  26. @19 Spider-Man (Parker) is my fave character and the reason I read comic books, so I definitely understand where you’re coming from.
    The whole mantle/legacy discussion has become counterfactual, because regardless of our feelings about it, Marvel has supported the concept of Spider-Man as a mantle for years now, more prominently as you point out in the 90s, but it’s remained that way ever since -Spider-Verse, Scarlet Spider vol 2 come to mind… disliking what’s written doesn’t prevent it from existing, no matter how much we wish for that to be the case at times (yes, we’re all thinking about that one book).
    I don’t think the dreaded replacement will happen, and if it does, I don’t think it will stick, because as I said earlier, the original Spider-Man is a brand and therefore much stronger and long-lived than a single comic book. I can understand and respect people’s frustration or just dislike towards this replacement if it indeed happened. I just can’t understand this notion that attempting to change the way stories and characters are (re)presented is always wrong because…?

    @22 This I can get behind. Miles is still Spider-Man in-universe, but the title is less confusing that way.

  27. This decision MARVEL is making is getting ridiculous. That is, *if* they’re going to replace Peter with Miles.

    As someone who is Latino and a Spider-Man fan, I never cared for Miles Morales at all. I tried to give him a shot back in the beginning, but honestly the stories just weren’t my cup of tea, and I lost what little interest I had in the Ultimate U by that point. For Marvel to continue with this because of reasons known only to themselves, they are doing the very thing no villain has been able to do: They are destroying a beloved character and they don’t even know it. But then again, Peter Parker hasn’t been the same since the events of that OMD/BND crap.

    If MARVEL thinks this is going to work, they are gonna be in for a big surprise when the end result doesn’t end up what they wanted and they try to set things up with yet another event just to try to keep up interest.

    At this point, I think we’re better off getting the collections of classic stories instead of getting the new stuff, because nothing looks interesting save “Renew Your Vows”.

    Here’s hoping the MCU doesn’t follow this kind of formula.

  28. @#22-They don’t need to give him a new name. Just have his comic book title read ‘Miles Morales: Spider-Man’ or something like that.

  29. @ #10 – Absolutely agree. If Marvel are so desperate to introduce Miles into it’s new universe, they should just give him a new super hero name. As far as I’m concerned, Peter Parker will always be the one and only Amazing Spider-Man.

    @ #16 & #17 – Good points. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but when was the last time Marvel hired professional black or latino writers, excluding hacks like Quesada? I would rather see a true diversity of writers working at Marvel treating long standing popular iconic characters with much deserved respect, rather than the tokenistic and patronizing tripe they are currently serving up.

  30. @#2-Unless there won’t be a Peter book and Miles will be the one and only Spider-Man with a ongoing title post-secret wars.

    Not distinguishing him by the ‘Miles Morales’ or ‘Ultimate’ labels could hammer home that message.

    Kevin Cushing once said that Miles Morales wouldn’t work as effectively in the 616 universe without his supporting cast or without the status quo of being the Spider-Man who took over after the original died and I agree with that sentiment.

    I wonder if PAD’s Spider-Man 2099 series in 2014-2015 was a dry run for this concept?

    And if Miles will be the one and only Spider-Man then we might see a repeat of Superior wherein Peter returns in time for the new movie.

    But whether Miles is around alongside Peter or whether Peter is out of the picture it is nevertheless marginalising to Peter Parker and that is despicable.

    @#4-That suggests a reboot though which we not only don’t know is gonna happen but will apparently not happen accoriding to some press releases.

    Regardless incorporating him in seems like a clusterfuck and asinine idea. How do you sell Miles’s origin with Peter Parker alive?

    Whatever, this is just a teaser. Let’s wait and see. Maybe it’ll just be Miles who is a survivor of the ultimate universe

    Also, I thought the NuMu refers to Battleworld? The title suggests a reboot which again press releases have apparently said isn’t happening.

    @#12-Er…that’s nice but Miles by definition of being the legacy character to someone else with waaaaaay more history is second fiddle. So is Miguel and Mayday. He is his own character but Peter Parker is THE Spider-Man

    Didn’t they already replace Spider-Man with Doc Ock for over a year?

    @#15-We dunno if Slott will be gone.

    @#19-I don’t like Marvel’s push to say “All the Spider-Heroes are the real versions they aren’t just alternate versions of the original”…well…they are. Spider-Man isn’t a legacy character like the Flash or Green Lantern. There really is one definitive version. That’s kinda why people were angry in the mid-1990s. Peter Parker shouldn’t be reduced to being one of many Spider-Men distinguished merely because he was the first. He should be THE Spider-Man. the other versions are great characters and of course can/should be around but for Bendis to pretend they are on the same level and not derivatives is delusional. The Spider-Man franchise is built upon the specifics of Peter Parker’s character and his life. Miles and Miguel are great characters with great mythologies but they can never replace that, which is why them replacing the original only happened in alternate universe books.

    And you know…I’m gonna say something maybe controversial here…I respect Miles. I like Miguel. I love Mayday…I think from a writing/character point of view…Peter Parker is a better character than all of them. There is more to him, more development and even more complexity. Which in a way isn’t fair because he has been around for so much longer, but that doesn’t change the facts.

    Now that being said Peter has been so ruined for the last 8 years I don’t necessarily mind Miles replacing him because I am now at the event horizon where if the choice is between no Peter Parker or poorly written Peter Parker I think I might go with the latter.

    And I think if they really are replacing Peter with Miles it speaks volumes of the damage done to Peter Parker’s character. This is the third time since 2011 the character has needed to be replaced. What about all those great new stories you could now tell with Spider-Man after you got him young hip and single like you always wanted Marvel? Seems like the well ran dry on those. Teenage Ultimate Peter Parker lasted about 10 years before you needed to replace him to keep things fresh. Post-OMD Peter Parker only made it to 5 years before Superior (which was itself a mere 2+ years into Slott’s run) and now maybe 2 years after Peter’s come back he might be going away again. Sure maybe he isn’t dying but his role might be replaced with someone else.

    House of Ideas my ass

  31. @15 That’s a lot af comments just to say “I hate this and won’t read it”.
    Source for Slott leaving? Pretty sure that’s not confirmed. Nor is Peter stopping being Spider-Man; even if it was, in the long term he’ll always be there. He’s a brand. Brands prevail.
    “Why not just make original characters”? Precisely because asking for original characters (read: “not MY characters, not the ones I want to read about”) to be minority-related is tacitly asking to basically ghetto these matters so you don’t have to deal with them. “Do your representation thing if you want, just keep it away from me”… And now it’s part of the problem. That’s not even touching the financial risk, considering even established characters outright fail to sell these days. Legacy/mantle characters are marketable because they use symbols and names the broader audience that comic books desperately need these days can recognize, and can also mitigate representation issues to a degree. Missteps will be taken and often people are stupid and pseudo-progressive about it (Aaron’s heavy-handed, strawman feminism on the Thor vs Titania scene comes to mind) but this is a discussion worth having; repeating empty buzzwords is a nag.

    @18 It’s stating that Miles is Spider-Man. He is. 5 minutes ago Spider-Man 2099 was around and he was also just “Spider-Man” in-universe.

  32. What is this? Is Marvel trying to imply that Miles is going to be THE Spider-Man?? Ugh, what the heck? Not too long ago they replaced Peter with Doc Ock, and now they’re replacing him with Miles….. Wow, talk about a bad move.

    Not gonna waste my money on this All-new, All-different, All-gimmicky Spider-Man. Miles dosen’t deserve to be THE Spider-Man.

  33. And to the people who will no doubt call me a racist for preferring Peter Parker over Miles Morales:

    If Peter Parker had been black upon his creation in 1962 when Stan Lee and Steve Ditko first introduced the world to the character of Spider-man, and then decades later they tried to kill him off or replace him with someone of a different race just to be “diverse”, I’d be just as angry as I am now.

  34. This is Marvel saying, “We want diversity, but we’re too lazy and not creative enough to make new characters with their own name and powers so we replace white characters with PC versions because people are stupid enough to go along with it. We’ll piggyback these PC characters off of popular characters because why put in the effort of actually being the “House of Ideas?'”

    What I get a kick out of is Marvel acting like black people and latino people can’t like white superheroes. And that white people should be ashamed to like characters like Peter Parker or Steve Rogers.

    I get it Marvel, I’m an evil white man whose existence is offensive to the world. So because I am the enemy, I shall give you no more of my white money.

  35. This is stupid.

    We finally get that fat turd Dan Slott off the book but we’re losing Peter Parker as Spider-man in the name of political correctness AGAIN?

    This is stupid, and I won’t read it. I know I’ll be called a vile racist because I don’t bow to the feet of the Nubian King Miles Morales. But I don’t read Spider-man for the name and costume. I read it to follow the adventures of Peter Parker.

    They’ve been dumping on that character for nearly a decade now, and instead of finally giving us a good writer to make the series good again, they throw Peter away so Bendis and the rest of the white people at Marvel can alleviate their white guilt.

    Sure, Peter will still be around as a mentor, which is stupid. But they’ll kill him off by issue 3 or 4 so they can give Miles a reason to not live in the evil white man’s shadow.

    I’m done. I’ll keep reading older issues. But the crap Marvel is smearing on the page these days it doesn’t look like I’ll be missing out by not reading anything published after Secret Wars.

  36. I’ll reserve judgment on this for whenever we see if Peter still has his own book as Spider-Man after Secret Wars.

  37. It sounds like Miles will be the one and only spider-man post secret wars. Let’s look at the clues:

    1) slott has said “renew your vows”‘is the last spiderman story
    2) this quote from Bendis in the announcement yesterday: “Our message has to be it’s not Spider-Man with an asterisk, it’s the real Spider-Man for kids of color, for adults of color and everybody else” – he is going out of his way to say Miles cannot be spider-man with an asterisk, not just Spider-Man from an alternate reality, not second fiddle to Peter but THE Spider-Man.
    3) marvel is replacing all of their main Heros recently – Cap with the falcon, Thor with female Thor. What makes anyone think they wouldn’t have the guts to replace Spider-Man?
    4) we see a Parker industries billboard so we know that peters around at least. The article even mentions him mentoring him. That doesn’t mean he’s still Spider-Man.

  38. I really don’t think we have to worry about Peter Parker not being around in the Marvel U. after Secret Wars, given that the regular red and blue Spidey is prominently displayed in one of the promo images for the All New Marvel Now, and that Rage of Ultron apparently takes place after the Secret Wars and the red and blue Spidey was featured there.

    It’s just kind of interesting that Miles is getting the “Spider-Man” title while Peter is going to get something else, probably the Amazing Spider-Man.

  39. I have nothing against a Miles Morales series, but calling it “Spider-Man”? No. Come up with a different title, Marvel.

  40. It is almost like they are going with a Batman: Beyond process with Miles and Peter here. I have no objection to it and while I won’t be reading comics for a long while. This does peak my interest in how this will be as an ongoing title. However, I rather also wait for a main announcement on this. Everyone here knows I am a big Miles fan.

  41. Not interested in a new series starring this boring replacement of the Ultimate Peter Parker. I’d rather buy the new Peter Parker Spider-Man title.

  42. Oh, and along with Parker Industries, there’s also a billboard with FalCap advertising “The Fact Channel” the current home of J. Jonah Jameson. So I guess Silk will still be around, as well?

  43. Just saw that someone on CBR pointed out that you can see a billboard for “Parker Industries” in the background, which suggests Peter’s company he “inherited” from Doc Ock will still be around. Which could also suggest that Miles, along with being mentored by Peter, will be Parker Industries company mascot, perhaps?

    @#1 WolfCypher — Well, at the very least, Bendis will probably have supporting characters like Genke Lee and Miles’ dad. The real question is how Miles gets incorporated with the 616 (or rather the Nu-MU, as Brevoort calls it) given his distinctive history. I’m guessing since this is spinning out of whatever the end result of Secret Wars will be? Perhaps everyone’s memories, save for a few, will be restructured and realigned so that Miles and other Ultimate character were “always” part of the 616 a la DC’s Crisis on Infinite Earths?

  44. On another note- I REALLY hope the Parker Industries sign in the background isn’t a sign of things to come. I really hope it’s gone and not coming back, and this is just early promo art.

  45. I think I will wait until the official announcement before concluding anything.

    I can see Bendis continuing to write Miles. That was something I was pretty sure was still going to happen.

    But the title just being “Spider-Man”? That I can’t see. I think that there would be at least some distinction between Peter’s book and Mile’s book.

  46. Bends is a great asset for this character, always will be. But can even he make this run work when all the supporting characters that worked oh so well with Miles will probably not be around in the New 52? (Ultimate May, Ultimate Gwen, Ultimate MJ…)

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