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  1. Just imagine. “Pete….don’t tell Harry…Oh right Oh right Oh right OH RIGHT!

  2. At first I hated this idea…but that quickly changed after the first knee jerk reaction and now I really like the idea of him in that role. It’d bring star power to the movie…especially if you go with an unknown for Spidey.

    I just hope they build up to him becoming the Green Goblin instead of putting him on the glider in the first movie.

  3. I hope Green Goblin won’t be the main villian of the new Spider-Man movie.

  4. @8 – “But it seems unlikely Mcconaughey would want to commit to multiple films.”

    This is what I keep coming back to. I’ve read him comment on how great the money would be but the “sign on for X number of films” part of it seemed like a turnoff for him.

  5. (McConaughey in the Spidey/Goblin rooftop conversation scene from SM1)

    McConaughey: (holding a pumpkin bomb) You see, this pumpkin bomb is like a flat circle.

  6. I saw a couple days previously on IGN that he (Mconaughey) was “looking for a role in a comic book movie”. I’d guess someone just thought of duct taping one story onto another to create this headline.

  7. He’s a good actor, he’d likely work imo. Dunno if the theory is in any way valid, though.

  8. I think it’s clickbait.

    Tomorrow I’ll have “a source” that claims Angela Bassett is the new “Norma” Osborn. I’ll run it here with a question mark on the end of it. 😎

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