Spider-Gwen #3 Shaun’s Take (Spoilers)

detailIn this issue, Gwen lets her secret identity slip past her more than once and a iconic Spider-Man figure joins the supporting cast. Is it worth checking out?

Spider-Gwen #3: Most Wanted Part 3

Writer: Jason Latour
Artist/Cover: Robbi Rodriguez
Color Artist: Rico Renzi
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Design: Idette Winecoor & Jessica Pizarro
Editors: Nick Lowe & Devin Lewis
Editor-In-Chief: Axel Alonso


Sho’ Nuff: Gwen and her father discuss her vigilante activities back home. Her father informs her that the Spider-Woman case is no longer under his jurisidction, so he can longer protect her. He urges her to quit being Spider-Woman, but Gwen decides that Spider-Woman isn’t the problem, Gwen Stacy is. Vulture breaks into the Stacy household, attacking George because of a suspected connection to Spider-Woman. Gwen suits up, most likely revealing her identity to Vulture, and attacks Vulture, chasing him from their home. She webs her father up so he can’t stop her and goes after Vulture. Gwen manages to take him down, but she is then attacked by Frank Castle in full riot gear. He gets the upperhand in their fight and unmasks Gwen, although he doesn’t recognize her at this time and is shocked to discover she’s just a girl. She uses this to her advantage and knocks him out. She webs up Vulture, before fleeing the scene of the crime. Back at the Stacy household, Ben Parker helps George out of his house, promising that May can patch him up. The issue ends with Gwen sneaking into Peter’s room.

Captain CastleIt Has To Be Me: Man, Captain Castle is a terrifying figure. Every time I expect the art team can’t surprise me, they manage it; last time with a talking pig and now Captain Castle (which is going to be my nickname for this version of The Punisher) My hats is off to these guys, because their design on this universe’s Punisher outfit is fantastic, like a mix of the Pyro from Team Fortress 2 and Nightwing on steroids. He feels like a physical presence here, among the likes of his comic book brethren, the Kingpin or Crossbones.

As for our leading lady, she has a pretty good issue herself. Despite the fact that she reveals her identity not once, but twice this issue. It’s really interesting to see Gwen viewing her civilian persona as the problem, rather than usual “Spider-Man No More” shtick we’re pretty used to at this time. This is Gwen Stacy after seeing the greatness of Peter Parker. Uncle Ben was a great man to Peter, his hero, but Gwen saw the hero that Peter Parker becomes to everyone. Peter felt guilt for taking Ben away, so he became Spider-Man. Gwen feels responsibility for not only taking Peter Parker from the world, but Spider-Man as well. She’s trying to replace the latter, so of course she feels Gwen Stacy is the problem. She’s also seen what she means not only to numerous versions of Peter Parkers, but the main one, the ones others followed. And he passed the torch on to her. Her guilt complex even takes the form of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, albeit a sporktacular version. Gwen’s one messed up girl.

Stacy ProblemI also loved how Gwen played around with familiar Spider-Man related sayings in this issue; I bet Latour had a blast coming up with them. Also, make-shift nunchucks from a broken bowling pin and trophy? That’s pretty cool and Gwen kicked all kinds of butt this issue. Her personal crisis over leaving Vulture for the cops, because he might know her identity, was a nice showing of character growth for Gwen as she puts herself behind the safety of others.

It was also a solid issue for Vulture, even as he gets taken out of commission. We learn that he was screwed over by Norman Osborn in this universe as well and claims to be the man who built the pillars of the modern world. It’ll be interesting if that plays out, because I do like the idea of an old fart like Toomes setting up the technological world that these younger characters are going to inherit. I’m ready for Osborn to make an appearance at this point, even in a small role, so I can see what this version of Norman looks like.

Also, welcome to the cast, Ben Parker. I’m curious to see how heavily the Parkers will factor into this series and if Gwen will ever reveal who Peter Parker becomes to them. 

Verdict: Another solid issue, more great characterization of our lead character. I’m running out of new praise for this series. After this issue, I really want to see Gwen meet the Ultimate version of herself in the upcoming Secret Wars Spider-Verse comic, because I’d like for her to meet another survivor and one who had to move past Peter Parker. That’s all I got folks, read this book. 


  • The Guilt Complex of Gwen Stacy
  • Captain Castle 
  • Solid Pace
  • Stakes raised as Castle and Toomes discover her identity Sho Nuff




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  1. Yeah, a big hella NO to Gwen riffing on Mary Jane’s “Tiger” saying. Latour really seems to have a huge hate for Mary Jane going on and I’m fed up with a book that is supposedly righting the wrongs done to one iconic Spider female only to tear down and stomp on another. Gwen herself is a mess and not a very likable or sympathetic one. The only character that has anything more than two dimensions is George Stacy.

  2. Good catch, Shaun! I totally didn’t pick up on the fact that Gwen could tell the Parkers the fate of Peter across the multiverse!

  3. Shaun,
    I need to borrow your glasses, because Rodriguez’s Castle is about as scary as Mister Magoo. Fortunately, Latour’s writing can cover up a ton of the crap artwork in this book, and the well-written scenes really make Castle far more imposing than anything we see. Fortunately, I am able to imagine Frank Castle as drawn by so many other great artists, so it is easy to overlook that flaw in this book.

    I will agree with you on one thing: Spider-Gwen is such a refreshing take on the old Spider-man story! I have read a lot of them, from Mayday Parker to Anya Corazon (I still have to read more Miles Morales, but the initial issues didn’t sell me), but Gwen is truly a very different character.

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