Podcast # 368-Spider-History March 1985

podcast368picOn this last day of March we take a  look at JR’s Spider-History and travel back to March 1985. JR takes a look at 
*Amazing Spider-Man # 262
*Spectacular Spider-Man # 100
*Secret Wars # 11
*Uncanny X-Men # 191


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other shows in March, here’s the links. 

Podcast #367-17 Spider-Satellite Reviews
Podcast # 366-Friday Night Hobgoblin Fight
Podcast # 365-Message Board Q &A
Podcast # 364-ASM 14, 15, 16 Reviews
Podcast # 363-Spider-News

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  1. Also the vol 3. of ASM has been very rough. We’ve had a Silk storyline where she was the focus of the book and not Spider-Man. Then we had Spider-Verse where Peter again had to share his book.

  2. Do you listen to the Spider-Satellites show? The reviews are all over the place. Also the grades are all over the place on the ASM reviews. To put a blanket statement that we all hate everything Spider-Man at the moment is not accurate nor fair.

  3. @2 – “Im not talking about reluctantly liking something that has come out, but wholeheartedly loved it all. I’m not saying to pretend to like something you don’t. but im saying that you could easily find someone that likes what is going on, and then you guys could have an honest discussion, with some back and forth.”

    There is nothing that isn’t honest about the discussion on the podcast.

    @4 – “As for the back-slapping, this podcast is close to 400 episodes with some of the panelists having known each other for years. Some familiarity and inside-jokes are bound to happen, and in my opinion, are welcome and a bonus for the long-time listeners.”

    Indeed. Hell, I’ve known J.R. since April, 2000.

  4. I’m a bit late listening to this podcast, but if all the people on the podcast, including a new young person just recently added, are all saying that they do not like the current book, isn’t it more likely that the fault is with the current book instead of the podcast for not offering a positive voice?

    I’d rather have everyone on the podcast speak their mind instead of bringing in a guest who is only brought in because they are going to speak positively about the book. Or having one member designated as the positive voice each month.

    As for the back-slapping, this podcast is close to 400 episodes with some of the panelists having known each other for years. Some familiarity and inside-jokes are bound to happen, and in my opinion, are welcome and a bonus for the long-time listeners.

  5. I’m sorry, it just seems like a lot of back slapping and all that between everyone that speaks on the podcast.

  6. Look, I get you all don’t like what is going on in Spidey comics right now, but its starting to be an echo chamber in the podcast. Wouldn’t it be nice to hear a different point of view for a change? Like get a podcast member that doesn’t agree with everyone? Im not talking about reluctantly liking something that has come out, but wholeheartedly loved it all. I’m not saying to pretend to like something you don’t. but im saying that you could easily find someone that likes what is going on, and then you guys could have an honest discussion, with some back and forth.

  7. Haven’t listened yet (I’ll have to do that tonight), but I definitely remember that cover. It was one of the absolute best of the otherwise awful photo cover trend.

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