Podcast # 367-17 Spider-Satellite Reviews

podcast367picGeorge, Zach, Ashley and Brad take on 17 Spider-Satellite titles. Here are the issues covered. 

X-Factor # 20
Miles #9 and #10
Guardians # 23 and # 24
Silk # 1
All New Ultimates # 12
Spider-Verse # 2
Spider-Man 2099 # 8 and 9
Scarlet Spiders # 3
Spider-Woman # 3 and #4
Spider-Gwen # 1
Spider-Man & X-men # 2 and #3
Howard the Duck # 1
Stick around after the end music for a fun blooper. 


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other shows in March, here’s the links. 

Podcast # 366-Friday Night Hobgoblin Fight
Podcast # 365-Message Board Q &A
Podcast # 364-ASM 14, 15, 16 Reviews
Podcast # 363-Spider-News

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