Podcast # 360-Sony/ Marvel Team Up Reaction

Podcast360picThe Spider-panel assembles for a discussion of Sony and Marvel coming to an agreement to use Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Topics we discuss:

*Thoughts on a new Spider-Man movie in 2017
*Thoughts on Andrew Garfield not returning
*Should Spider-Man be back in high school?
*How should Spider-Man appear in Captain America: Civil War and Avengers 3?
*Should Marvel use Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker? 
*What Marvel character are we most excited to see interact with Spider-Man?
*Should Spidey have a love interest in the new film and the Avengers films?
*We also answer your dozens of message board questions about the new film series. 


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other February show, here’s the link. 

Podcast# 359-Amazing Spider-Man # 13 review
Podcast # 358-Spider-Satellites 18 comic reviews
Podcast # 357-Message Board Questions & Answers

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  1. Quick addendum. In this episode I incorrectly said Ava Gardner had been considered for the Wicked Witch in the 1939 Wizard of Oz. I was woefully incorrect. I was trying to look up the studio costuming test photos for the Wicked Witch and came across the pictures of Gale Sondergard who had originally been cast, not Garder, who was 17 when the 1939 Wizard of Oz was made. Sondergard turned the role down when MGM ultimately decided it wanted the Wicked Witch to be ugly and wanted Sondergard to wear make-up that would make her look less than attractive.

  2. Great episode, gang! My idea for an after credits stinger… The Avengers are back in that big room from the trailer, and then Spider-Man just lowers in from the ceiling upside down and says “Hey guys what’d I miss? Traffic from Queens is terrible”

  3. I loved Ashley’s idea for the post credits scene! I would also love if they opened the scene in a wrestling ring and an announcer says like “please welcome Crusher Hogan’s next challenger… The Amazing Spider-Man!” And then we see Peter in a rough beta costume. I think that would be great too.

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