Podcast #354-Sony Leaks, Slott Explains Silk’s Popularity, Raimi Regrets Spidey 3

podcast354We tackle a lot of news this month. Here are our topics. 

*Sony leaks and Spider-rumors
*Dan Slott explains Silk’s popularity. 
*Selling a complete Amazing Spider-Man collection to own a comic shop. 
*Director Sam Raimi regrets making Spider-Man 3 movie.
*Gerry Conway returns to write Spidey. 
*Drake Bell breaks wrist. 
*Lost Erik Larsen art. 
*Spider-Girl revival
*Steve Ditko news

You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

Did you miss our other January shows? Here they are:
Podcast #353-Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon reviews
Podcast # 352- Message Board Q &A

Podcast # 351-ASM  #11 & 12 Reviews

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Weird Marvel Collectibles: Spider-String, Spider-String

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Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #13 Review: Stillanerd’s Take

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  1. Many thanks to all for another great episode 🙂

    I haven’t followed the exploits of Mr. Slott online, however, based on what I’ve heard from the podcast, it sounds like there really can be only one Stan Lee, someone who knows how to make fans feel like they are part of a something big and wonderful. I can’t think of one person at Marvel these days who has even come close to filling those shoes or has even taken a page from Stan’s book. If I’m wrong, please point me somewhere. I really would like to care about Marvel’s comics again.

  2. Ashley is the queen of the true statement softly stated. “Dan Slott is a man who always has to be right.”

  3. While I still enjoyed the third Spider-Man movie I agree with most of the statements made during the podcast regarding the film. Excellent job guys!

  4. “Thank you George for getting it right about buying Hi De Ho Comics. Yes, buying this shop in the Santa Monica area is a great investment with no competition in the area. While many comic shops around the country are hurting, premier shop in large U.S. cities are thriving. George also got it right that the name originally came from the old Cab Calloway song.”

    Congrats again Eddie! On the podcast I did say the Cab Calloway song was “from the 1920’s.” I did think it had come out in 1929. Turns out I was incorrect; it was 1931. D’oh! For those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about, the store’s name is taken from the lyrics of ‘Minnie the Moocher,’ which can also be heard in the Blues Brothers movie. (About :49 seconds into the video below!)

    “Brad, George, why didn’t you tell me I was coming across as a grumpy old man before one of our listeners pointed it out?”

    I also don’t point out when the sky’s blue or other obvious things. 😎

  5. I’d be worried if my rants WERE taken seriously.

    That part of California’s going to fall off into the ocean after THE BIG ONE anyway.

    Brad, George, why didn’t you tell me I was coming across as a grumpy old man before one of our listeners pointed it out? This is going to put me in therapy for weeks.

    That stick has been there a long time. Every once in a while my wife pulls it out to beat me over the head with it before returning it to its upright and locked position.

  6. @5 J.R. was obviously being facetious but I totally get where you’re coming from. He did raise a good point though, are we going to see Kristen’s reaction in a future Collector’s issue? That’d be awesome. Best of luck!

  7. Wow, good find! I have a folder on my desktop of stuff I find with Spider-themes. I must of stumbled across this one again.

  8. I’d also like to add that you’ve done over 300 of these things. It was bound to happen.

    Use the Apollo 440 theme again.

  9. Oh god, I’d have to go back a ways, but I remember that “look out everybody” followed by that cheesy horn.

    EDIT: Good god I found it. Episode #160

    … where’s my No-Prize?

  10. Thank you George for getting it right about buying Hi De Ho Comics. Yes, buying this shop in the Santa Monica area is a great investment with no competition in the area. While many comic shops around the country are hurting, premier shop in large U.S. cities are thriving. George also got it right that the name originally came from the old Cab Calloway song.

    As for J.R., I won’t take his rant about me seriously until he learns a bit about Southern California geography. Santa Monica is part of Los Angeles regardless of how loud you want to yell. J.R., you’re not that much older than me but HOLY HELL are you a grumpy old man!!! Excuse me, sir, I’ll get off your lawn now! I think you need to ask the doctor who did your colonoscopy to remove that huge stick he left up there!

  11. Haven’t listened to this yet, but he already repeated Mary Jane’s Last Dance – it was in podcast #1 and he repeated it (deliberately) in #100

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