Happy 85th Birthday John Romita

dsci0065-001 1302pHappy birthday to legendary Spider-Man artist John Romita. He’s celebrating 85 years young. In my opinion he’s the default Spider-Man when I think of the character.
If Spider-Man were able to have three fathers it would be Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and John Romita. He was influential is making Spidey the icon he is today. Join me in wishing him a big happy birthday. 

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  1. Yup. Romita’s faces in general were more realistic than Ditko’s, and his women were far from homely (also unlike Ditko). Romita is the classic gold standard!

  2. John Romita is one of the all-time greatest Spidey artists. His was the Spidey I read growing up, and to this day is one of my favorites. In fact, I don’t know that Spider-Man would have become the icon he is today if Ditko had stayed on.

    Happy (belated) birthday, Jazzy Johnny!

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