Best of 2014 Crawlspace Podcasts

Amazing-Spider-Man-2-Cell-Ring-Tone-Easter-EggHappy 2015 fellow Crawlspacers. Last year was a very successful year here and I appreciate all your support for the past 365 days. I thought it’s be fun to take a look back at some of my favorite podcasts of 2014. We produced a record 142 episodes in 2014. That works out to about 2.5 podcasts a week. Wow!
Here are some of my favorites.  

Podcast # 350- Mark Bagley interview from the Wizard World Tulsa Comic Con.
Podcast # 347- Our fun Christmas special with Spider-Gift trading
Podcast # 337- 2014 Spider-Jeopardy
Podcast # 309- JR’s classic news item of a dude battling crime with Fabreze, and yes Spider-Man is involved. It’s one of JR’s funniest moments ever on the podcast.
Podcast # 308- Author Daniel Wallace talks about his new book “The World According to Spider-Man.”
Podcast #302- Former Spider-Man Editor Danny Fingeroth Interview
Podcast # 300-Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends reunion. Dan, Spider-Man, Gilvizean and Kathy, Firestar, Garver interview. This was a life-long dream to interview these two awesome voice actors.
Podcast # 299-Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie review
Podcast # 290-Author Sean Howe Interview. He wrote Marvel the Untold Story.

If you’re a fan of the show and have enjoyed your time here over the last year, please consider supporting us to help pay the bills. Over on the right hand side of the site is a button that says “Support this site via Paypal.” Thanks everyone, here’s to reaching podcast # 400 in 2015. 

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