Marvel Toy News has a nice article up about the new wave of Marvel Legends that will feature all Spider-Friends. You’ll finally be able to get a Marvel Legend Mayday Parker. If you buy all […]
Motley Fool has an interesting article up about how Sony and Disney can both win by sharing Spider-Man at the movies. They make an interesting point how Sony is loosing interest in the character in […]
Evan Berry on Panel(s) of the Day #1653 (Ditko!): “Panel 2 contain a really gigantic leap in reasoning. He’s not wrong, though, if I remember correctly.” Mar 17, 14:23
Evan Berry on Spider-Variants of the Week 3/5/25: “If Count Parker is going shirtless, I wonder why he would bother pulling those independent glove/sleeves on. It’s a striking…” Mar 4, 13:32
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