Raimi Back? Spider-Man in Captain America:Civil War?

civilwarThe Wall Street Journal has been going through the thousands of pages of e-mails from the hacked Sony computers. They found that Marvel has been discussing with Sony ways to use Spidey in their cinematic universe. Here are some highlights of the e-mails. 
*Marvel wanted to include Spider-Man in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War film.
*Marvel would produce a trilogy of Spider-Man films. Sony would have “creative control, marketing and distribution.”

*A Spidey Summit is planned in January to discuss Sony’s future with the character
*An animated Spidey comedy is one of the ideas on the table. It would  be produced by Chris Miller and Phil Lord who produced “22 Jump Street” and “The Lego Movie.”
*There is also talk of movies to focus on Venom, the Sinister Six and a Spider-female movie. 
*Director Sam Raimi has been discussed as returning to director or produce the next Spider-film. 

What do you think of these ideas? 

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  1. I wasn’t a fan of the reboot but I can’t say I was mad with Andrew Garfield performance. I liked him in ASM2.

  2. @21 – Whilst it true that Disney probably had some influence on USM, being an animation and all, I highly doubt they would attempt to interfere with the MCU.

    Disney is the parent company but Marvel Studios has it’s vision firmly in place and has built up it’s reputation as a major player with serious clout.

  3. @21 — I really doubt that should Marvel ever get the rights back, that anyone would want to write a screenplay for a Spidey movie incorporating elements from Slott’s run–it just strays too far from what most people associate Spider-man with.

    And just because something works for the comics doesn’t mean it’s fit for a movie audience. They’d be better off adapting something like Marvel Knights SM, in my opinion, or something with that feel.

  4. @19 – But seeing as how the first media adaptation of Spider-Man we’ve had since the Disney-Marvel merger was the USM show, I’m just not very optimistic about Disney’s take on the character. Slott’s version of Spider-Man is selling really well, I wouldn’t be surprised if Marvel decided to incorporate parts of his run into the MCU version of the character simply because they know it has market value.
    I don’t doubt that a MCU Spider-Man movie could no doubt be really good, but it could also be a reflection of Marvel’s current handling of the character, and because of that I’m just no too confident about seeing it.

  5. @ #8 said: Marvel in comic and animated form have demonstrated they don’t get the character. Also if they get the film rights the youth obsessed Marvel will not have an older Spider-Man. Remember Bendis and Quesada are involved heavily in the MCU stuff

    True, Bendis and Quesada are only consultants and might carry a bit of influence, but Kevin Feige, is president of Marvel Studios and would have final say. Kevin Feige would be working closer with the scriptwriters and Director.

    I’m willing to bet most people would rather see a mature 28 year old Spider-Man than another Spider-Teen movie and Marvel Studios have proven that with great risk comes great reward.

  6. @ #18 – I really don’t think that Marvel Studios are going to be adapting from the poor quality of the current ASM title or even the silly USM TV show.

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe is handled by Marvel Studios / Disney and should have no links with Sony or Fox. My guess would be for a fresh new cast with an (A) list Director, better screenwriters and hopefully a mature older Spider-Man.

  7. Apart from SM2, neither of the two Raimi films hold up any better than the Webb ones in my opinion. I don’t think he’s what the Spider-Man film franchise needs to be great. I’m pretty apprehensive about Marvel getting his rights back due to the poor quality of the main Spider-Man title, and the Ultimate Spider-Man TV show.
    I think I’d still quite like to see a Spider-Man TV show that’s kinda similar to the Flash one that’s on at the moment, I think Spidey could work really well in a live-action episodic format.

  8. I would like to See Sam Raimi return to direct Spider Man but I would like to see Andrew Garfield to play Spider Man because they are both enthusiast as Comic Book Men. Garfield is a comic book fan as is Raimi. Webb didn’t really stick with the book as didn’t Maguire who was the better Peter Parker but sucked as Spider Man. And Besides with the costume from Raimi and the new Costume from ASM 2. It would work tremendously.

  9. I second the whole “no mephisto” in this part. Why Sam Raimi? I guess they could see what worked and what didn’t. It should be ‘dark’ since it’s well Civil War.

  10. Yay for Sam Raimi! The thought of what he could do with a villain-based film like Venom or Sinister Six (especially with his horror film cred) is really appealing.

  11. I haven’t seen the second Spidey movie, but I prefer Maguire over Garfield. Tobey just seems more believable as a nerdy Peter Parker.

  12. @#11 I’d rather see a return to Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, because I think the Garfield era has been a big disappointment. It’s only my opinion, but I found the “Raimiverse” much more interesting and just plain fun, even Spider-Man 3 (flawed as it may be).

    I am also a realist, and I understand that Tobey returning as Spider-Man is pretty close to zero, but I’d still prefer Tobey to Andrew if given the choice.

  13. @#6 — I would really like to see what Raimi as director would do with the Garfield-led cast. There’s no need to even return to the Tobey Macquire era.

  14. -Marvel would produce a trilogy of Spider-Man films. Sony would have “creative control, marketing and distribution.”

    This sound fine and dandy, but the problem I have here is creative control still being with Sony. After ASM 2 and the “Creative” way guys like Electro, Rhino, and Green Goblin have been handled I’d feel a lot better with Creative Control being with Marvel Studios.

    -Director Sam Raimi has been discussed as returning to director or produce the next Spider-film.

    I think producer is far more likely then Director at this point. I think Sony just wants to pay Raimi some money to put his name on this project in hopes of bringing back some of the fans that have been turned off by the new films and loved the old ones. I don’t think he’d have any creative say, much like Spielberg and the Transformers franchise. Although if he did come back to direct I wouldn’t be opposed. I enjoyed the Raimi films much more then Webb ones and I personally can’t stand Garfield as Parker..Spider-Man…he’s ok…but as Parker blech. Wouldn’t mind another reboot either as long as it was a soft reboot and we didn’t get the origin again.

  15. @#1-Spider-Man was an integral part but that integral part was a goddam trainwreck so better he is left out

    @#3-I think Sony’s films have been better than people claim. Marvel in comic and animated form have demonstrated they don’t get the character. Also if they get the film rights the youth obsessed Marvel will not have an older Spider-Man. Remember Bendis and Quesada are involved heavily in the MCU stuff

  16. Does Mephisto also make an appearance negating the whole identity reveal and turning back the hands of time, screwing up a movie franchise in the process?

  17. *Marvel wanted to include Spider-Man in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War film.

    Makes sense, considering how big a part he played in the story. It would be a little odd if Spider-Man were to actually unmask as he did in the comics though, somehow something that major would feel wrong in another character’s film.

    *Marvel would produce a trilogy of Spider-Man films. Sony would have “creative control, marketing and distribution.”

    As long as it’d still be connected to the Andrew Garfield continuity, I would be totally happy with this. A third Spider-Man reboot would just be too much, better to keep the same universe, and simply try to tell a fresh story within it instead of going through the monotony of re-establishing everything AGAIN.

    *A Spidey Summit is planned in January to discuss Sony’s future with the character

    I’m hoping that this will somehow lead to that trilogy.

    *An animated Spidey comedy is one of the ideas on the table. It would be produced by Chris Miller and Phil Lord who produced “22 Jump Street” and “The Lego Movie.”

    This would not be my ideal choice for the future of the franchise, but Chris Miller and Phil Lord are very talented, funny guys, and often manage to make gold out of concepts which sound like complete and utter shite, so if anyone could pull such a project off it’s probably them.

    *There is also talk of movies to focus on Venom, the Sinister Six and a Spider-female movie.

    This still just feels like a desperate attempt to have a big cinematic universe to rival Marvel Studios. I’m not saying the films would be necessarily bad, these characters do have a lot of potential, but it does all feel extremely cynical (though I’m not really sure what I was expecting).

    *Director Sam Raimi has been discussed as returning to director or produce the next Spider-film.

    This would be cool, though I doubt it would mean a return to his Spidey Universe like many are probably hoping.

  18. #2 “I don’t think Raimi should come back. He’s had his turn handling the character.” – I agree 100%. Have never been much of a fan of the Sony adaptations.

    Marvel Studios, if they ever get the film rights back, should just reboot the entire franchise and introduce a mature age Spider-Man. I personally would love to see Doug Liman or even David Fincher in the Director’s chair.

    I hate USM, but my son loves it, so a LEGO Spidey film could work well if done right.

  19. I don’t think Raimi should come back. He’s had his turn handling the character.

    A LEGO Movie style animated series could work for Spidey. I’m not sure how you’d make that work right after USM though.

    Anyways, I’m not giving these much thought since it seems like they’re just spitballing here.

  20. I’ll keep a mostly positive outlook on all this, especially for Civil War. Spidey was such an integral character to that story it’d truly be a shame if he was left out of it.

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