Podcast # 348 Friday Night Fights Stegron Christmas Battle

podcast348picWe’re wrapping up the last Friday Night Fight of 2014 with a fun one. Stegron and the Lizard take on Spider-Man. There’s a meat gun involved and two tails swinging for Spidey’s head. Who comes out on top? We take a look at Amazing Spider-Man # 165 & #166. 


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Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.  

If you missed the other December shows, here they are.

Podcast # 347-Spider-Reviews of ASM 9 & 10
Podcast # 346-2014 Crawlspace Christmas episode
Podcast # 345- December Spider-News
Podcast # 344-Spider-History December 1985

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  1. George,

    If Stegron ever dabbles with magic, perhaps he should team-up with Cthulhu’s world of monsters. Wonderful episode as always. Many thanks!

  2. I loved this issue. as a kid I really liked the concept of a Dinosaur themed bad guy. wish Stegron could have rose above Spideys C list and been more of a recuring baddie. he would be a cool boss battle for a Spidey video game.

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