Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #11 Review: Stillanerd’s Take

AmazingSpider-Man(2014)#11--variantcover“If that leaves a permanent mark on my face, I don’t care.”

In this corner, weighing in at 165 lbs, we have Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man! And in the other corner, also weighing in at 165 lbs, we have Otto Octavious, formerly known as Doctor Octopus and now the Superior Spider-Man! It’s the rematch you demanded to see, so let’s get ready to rumble! Oh yeah, there’s bunch of other stuff that happens, too. A lot more than the main bout, actually.

WRITER: Dan Slott
PENCILER: Olivier Copiel
INKERS: Grawbadger, Copiel, Livesay, Olazaba, and Morales
COLORS: Justin Ponsor
LETTERS: Elliopolus w/ Lanham
EDITOR: Nick Lowe

THE STORY: Picking up directly where Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #10 left off, Peter declares that he, not SpOck, is in charge, and the two argue over who has more experience. After more goading from SpOck, Peter punches him in the face, and the two fight. Realizing SpOck assumes Peter is from earlier in SpOck’s own timeline instead of the other way around, Peter calls SpOck’s bluff. SpOck, thinking he can’t kill Peter without erasing himself from existence, hesitates long enough for Peter to kick him in the face, thus ending the fight. Meanwhile in the Loomworld, Solus watches Karn kill “the great Spider-Wolf of the Lycansphere” of Earth-13989, then tells the Master Weaver to send his “wayward son to another world.” Solus then talks to Morlun, concerned his heir is afraid of the 616 Spidey since he’s been killed by him twice already. Morlun says all he’s concerned about is the prophecy that The Other, The Bride, and The Scion will end the reign of the Inheritors, and that one of them is with the other Spiders on Earth-13. This, however, doesn’t worry Solus, and he tells Morlun to get his brother, Jennix, as they’ve “played with the Totems long enough” and that they will now “crush [the Spiders] last hope.”

Back on Earth-13, Peter and SpOck agree to work together, and both note the “Safe Zone” is not really safe since it’s in open ground, with no building to crawl on or swing from. Even though Cosmic Spidey insists he can protect them all, Peter orders the Spiders to move closer into the city should the Inheritors attack. Peter then tries to contact Ben Reilly, Kaine, and Ultimate Jessica Drew but gets no response; he then tries to reach Miquel O’Hara and his team (as seen in Spider-Man 2099 #6), but Miquel, due to being preoccupied from being pursued by Daemos, pretends his communicator is losing reception despite being trans-dimensional. Spider-UK then informs Peter he’s received word from the 616 Spider-Woman, that Spider-Man: Noir is injured and being taken back to his home dimension to recover (as seen in Spider-Woman #1). Peter takes one of SpOck’s cloaking devices, knowing it will hide Noir from the Inheritors should they find him. SpOck confirms he’s also reverse-engineered the device to detect the Inheritors and knows the location of their home dimension, but they’re not yet ready to engage them head-on. Peter decides the 616 Spider-Woman can go to the Inheritors’ home world on a covert, fact-finding mission, and takes Anya and Spider-Gwen with him to Noir’s dimension on Earth-90214 (as also seen in Spider-Woman #1). Before he leaves, he sends Miles Morales and the Spidey from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon on their own mission to recruit more Spider-Men. Miles and Ultimate Spidey’s first stop? The 1960s Spider-Man cartoon universe (as seen in Spider-Verse Team-Up #2).

Suddenly, the remaining Spiders’ spider-senses go off, and Morlun, Jennix, and Solus arrive, killing Flash Thompson/Captain Spider (from What If? #7) and Spider-Monkey. Cosmic Spidey takes to the sky and blasts the Inheritors, killing Jennix, who re-spawns as a clone back in Earth-802 and that dimension’s Baxter Building—which is also where Ben Reilly, Kaine, and the Ultimate Jessica Drew are about to infiltrate (as seen in Scarlet Spiders #1). Solus then leaps up and grabs Cosmic Spidey in mid-air and slams him to the ground, as Spider-UK tries to contract Peter to get him to return. Cosmic Spidey can’t understand how Solus can fight him since, as the host for the Enigma Force, Cosmic Spidey is “the most powerful being in the universe.” Solus, however, states he’s the “Patriarch, king, and god of those who inherited the multiverse,” and that the Enigma Force is “pure life force” which is what he and his children feed off of. Thus Solus, being the first of his kind and thus able to withstand the excessive energy, drains Cosmic Spidey and kills him. Morlun then finds the Scion, who is revealed to be…Benjy, Mayday’s baby brother.

AmazingSpider-Man(2014)#11--p4THOUGHTS: So this is part of the story in which the stakes are raised to such a degree that it seems hope is about to be all but lost for our heroes. What they thought was sanctuary turns out to be anything but; their most powerful member, as predicted, is slain; and one of the Spiders prophesied to bring about the downfall of the villains now appears to be in their clutches via a cliffhanger. But this isn’t what you really care about or why you picked up this comic, is it? No, you picked this issue up because, as advertised on the cover, you wanted to see the inevitable rematch between the Amazing Spider-Man and the Superior Spider-Man, and whether Peter kicks Doc Ock’s ass, right? And, as I mentioned in the recap, Dan Slott does deliver on this promise. For the first four pages, at least.

One of the reasons the opening fight between Peter and Otto works is that, having been built upon their earlier encounters, it’s a confrontation that’s long overdue. Never mind that Mayday is correct is saying the fight between Peter and Otto is a waste of time that would be better spent going after the Inheritors. Never mind that Otto has a point that he, which Peter later acknowledges, has experience about the Inheritors himself and how the arrival of Peter’s group (well, technically Silk’s) resulted in members of his team getting killed. And never mind that Peter, as he observes, cannot cause too much harm towards Otto without injuring himself because Otto is in Peter’s body from earlier in the past; neither can Otto, as he assumes Peter is from a time before he took over Peter’s body. Nope, this fight is happening because of pure fan-service and to make up for all the previous engagements Peter and Otto had since Amazing Spider-Man #700, especially the insulting attempt at moral equivalency that was Superior Spider-Man #9, and the anti-climatic non-resolution that was Superior Spider-Man #30. It’s also an opportunity for Peter, at last, to shine since his return, as he both out-snarks and outwits Otto to both take him down for the count and humble his ego. And, of course, these two adversaries end up putting their differences aside to work together for a common cause, because as anyone who has watched any Western, action flick, or Professional Wrestling match can tell you, when two men who don’t like each other have a fist-fight and beat each other senseless, they will inexplicably and against all logic and reason gain mutual respect for one another.

It’s also the moment where Peter, after eleven issues, finally stops acting like a bit player in his own comic, a complaint cited in my reviews and mentioned many times on The Spider-Man Crawlspace Podcast. Yet although it’s great to see Peter take on an active, leadership role in what seems like ages, it’s still not without it’s narrative drawbacks. The plot requires Peter to step-up and challenge Otto for leadership, but due on Slott’s prior characterization and depiction of Peter, the emergence of his much needed testicular fortitude is far too abrupt and sudden to be believable. Also, while Peter’s leadership is due to reaffirming his stance on not killing their enemies, it renders what could have been an engaging philosophical difference between the various Spiders all but moot, first, as Peter reminds them, that the Inheritors can simply clone themselves anyway, and when Cosmic Spidey later tries to kill the Inheritors anyway during their attack on the Safe Zone. It’s also this battle where, yet again, the other Spider-Men and Women get far more attention and importance than the supposed “greatest Spider-Man of them all.”

AmazingSpider-Man(2014)#11--p18I believe I’m not alone in suggesting that with the Cosmic Spider-Man’s introduction in Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9, all of us saw his death coming from several miles away. What we didn’t count on was that he would be slain with little to no effort by Morlun’s dad, Solus, in one of the most naked attempts at elevating a new villain’s stature that I can recall. Because let’s be blunt: just as the various Spider-Men and Women are all derivatives of Peter Parker, the Inheritors, including Solus, are all but derivatives of Morlun; which, just as what’s been happening with Spidey, runs the risk of diminishing what little relevance, importance, and uniqueness Morlun had going for him, which wasn’t much to begin with. Thus having one of those derivatives, and Morlun’s father no less, literally consume the powers of god while proclaiming himself to be a god effectively turns Morlun into someone else’s lackey, and is a prime example of Slott trying way too hard at overselling how dangerous and unstoppable the antagonists supposedly are. Couple this with how Cosmic Spidey was set-up as obvious cannon fodder from the start, it becomes to next to impossible to have any emotional investment in the outcome of his and Solus’ skirmish. And whatever merit the other Spider-Men had as heroes gets tossed aside when, after Cosmic Spidey falls, they appear to just give up and walk away, leaving Mayday and her brother to their fate at the hands of Morlun and his big bad dad.

AmazingSpider-Man(2014)#11--p12The other problem this comic has is the same one the previous issue did, and one that plagues far too many event-driven storylines: an over-dependence on too many tie-in comics to tell the complete story, with scenes and editorial footnotes reminding readers to pick up such-and-such a comic to see what happens next. There are no less than three references towards tie-in issues which have already been released—the same ones Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #10 cited, no less—but the scenes with Miles Morales and the Ultimate cartoon Spidey heading off to recruit the 1960s cartoon Spidey is egregious in own right when it comes to crass promotion. Sure, it’s amusing to see Slott gently poke fun at both the Ultimate Spider-Man and 1960’s Spider-Man cartoons, along with Oliver Copiel terrifically capturing the visual look of both, but make no mistake—the two pages devoted to Miles and younger-Pete in the 1960s cartoon world have no bearing whatsoever on what happens in Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #11 at all, and thus is two pages of story wasted on what amounts to a glorified ad that says, “Wanna to find out what happens next? Go out and buy Spider-Verse Team-Up #2–in stores today!”

AmazingSpider-Man(2014)#11--p20Still, there are some good moments. Aside from Peter and Otto’s opening fight and interactions, the moment where Peter and Spider-Gwen promising to look after each other, each one having lost the other in their own world, was poignant and touching. There were also some great one-liners, such as Ultimate cartoon Spidey’s response to Miles looking up to Peter, and SpOck’s comeback to Spider-UK once Peter put him in charge until he returns. Also, for as much as I’ve railed against Peter coming off like a bystander, by contrast it’s nice to see Mayday Parker play such a vital and important role in “Spider-Verse” via the reveal that her infant brother, Benjy, is the prophesied “Scion.” Yes, many of you correctly guessed this, and for those of you who did, the last page may have come across as being predictable; after all, we knew Slott was going to do something with Benjy what with all the emphasis he put on Mayday having to take care of him. Even so, given how readers of Spider-Girl knew that Benjy was no ordinary child being that he developed spider-powers so young when other mutants develop their during puberty, and how “scion” means “descendant of a noble family,” it makes all the sense in the world for a “chosen one” to be a possible progeny of Spidey’s—and thank God the Scion turned out to be the son of Peter and Mary Jane and not Peter and Silk like I’d been dreading. As for Benjy’s fate, Slott I’m sure will not go as far as to have him be killed; if anything, given how “Spider-Verse” relies heavily on time-travel and alternate realities, I wouldn’t be the least surprised if it’s later revealed that Karn is somehow Benjy all grown-up.

Finally, as has been the case for the first two chapters of “Spider-Verse,” Copiel’s illustrations are just outstanding and continue to be the strongest element of the story thus far. I loved the facial expressions he gives SpOck, as you can just see the smugness across his face as tells Peter why he’s more qualified to lead the other Spider-Men, and the shocked expression when it dawns on him that he (incorrectly) cannot kill Peter. Copiel also does a superb arrangement of the fight sequences, in particular the one between Solus and Cosmic Spidey. Seeing how he illustrates various blows, how characters land when they leap, there’s an illusion of literal weight within Copiel’s illustrations, and thanks to aid from Justin Ponsor’s colors, natural looking light and shade. Although, perhaps due to time constants, there are far more panels in which characters are standing in front of blank backgrounds, but this, no way, is distracting as it would be from a lesser talent.

In summation, Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #11 starts off with a strong opening which appeases those fans who wanted to see Doc Ock humbled at the hands of Peter, only to succumb to an expository and convoluted mid-section which not even the last few pages can recover from. It’s an enjoyable and integral comic, but one burdened by the problems of multi-part crossovers and a sense that Slott doesn’t know whose story he’s actually telling. At least Peter, for the briefest of moments, is finally manning-up.



  • I know that, given how Spider-UK told Peter in Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #9 that they had recruited some 20 odd Spider-Men and Women, some of which we didn’t see, it’s not unheard of that the Spidey from the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon was already there. Even so, given how prominent he gets featured in this issue, it’s more than a bit jarring that we’re only seeing him now during “Spider-Verse.” Also, how exactly does this square with the continuity in Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors since Miles Morales, presumably the same one featured in this comic, shows up in that cartoon for a series of episodes also entitled “Spider-Verse,” as well?
  • “I’m still digging myself out of the mess [Doc Ock] made.” Not to quibble Pete but, as I mentioned before, how exactly is your life post-Superior Spider-Man a mess? Thanks to Otto, you have a doctorate, your own company, and more money than you ever had in your entire life. Not to mention that you’ve already patched things up with the Avengers, and gained yourself a new ally in the form of Anna Maria Marconi. Oh sure, Mary Jane is with some other guy and the Black Cat hates your guts, but your exes no longer seem to matter now that Silk has entered the picture (unfortunately). So really? Are you actually doing that badly, all things considered?
  • “…where I come back and reclaim my body, and win!” Funny, I seem to remember Doc Ock, having concluded he wasn’t as “superior” as he thought he was, willingly deciding to give back your own body with little to no effort on your part, and you being all upset over how he had to commit “suicide” via erasing himself to do it. Then again, given how disappointing the conclusion to Superior Spider-Man and “Goblin Nation” really was, I don’t blame you for partaking in a little revisionist history to make yourself come off looking better than what really happened.
  • You know, comic, if you’re going to hide someone like Solus in shadow and thus create an “air of mystery” around him, wouldn’t it make that much more sense for him to be someone the reader would actually recognize as opposed to someone who we’ve never seen before? Just because it worked with Stan Lee and Steve Ditko doesn’t mean it will work with you.
  • “We should move closer to the streets and buildings.” And thus endanger all the innocent civilians of Earth-13’s New York City who’ll be caught in the crossfire during your battle with the Inheritors. Great plan, Pete!
  • As sweet as the scene between Peter and Spider-Gwen is, I can’t help think the following: Peter is ten years Spider-Gwen’s senior and, at 18, she’s barely legal. So yeah, it comes off just a bit creepy when you take that into account.
  • Quick Betty Brant Spider-Girl! Distract Morlun with your cleavage to stop him from eating Captain Spider before it’s too late! I guess you’re using your wall-crawling abilities to their fullest extent because that’s the only explanation I have for how you’re manage not to have a wardrobe malfunction.
  • “How little you understand us, little totem.” I think, Mr. Solus, sir, your usage of the word “little” was a little redundant. At least for someone as erudite, sophisticated, and fashionably dressed as you appear to be.
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  1. The uni-power can’t be a universal life force, since that would mean the Inheritors could suck life out of everyone and everything. They feed on totemic powers, not life force. But why bother with details when you have a plot to drive forward?

  2. I actually liked Comic spidey, his death seemed pretty cheap. and about the scion thingy, i just hoped it wasn´t benjy, i had read all spider-girl and i can tell you i am a fan of mayday, benjy seemed like a “cousin oliver” to me…. don´t know, it´s just i don´t like when characters become really important without any merits….

    I also wanted to see more of the Spider mecha (jenni parker) so far i think she was patched in some pannel

    Artwise i think it has been pretty good, nothing to complain….

    It would be cool if after spiderverse, the remaining spiders form a Spider-corps thing, with every month sending selected teams for special missions, (just an idea)

  3. @17: I feel pretty much the exact same way. The main Spider-Verse story just isn’t that engaging.

  4. How is there too much going on? Spidey fights doc ock. After that, they all leave to start on a plan and while they’re gone the inheritors show up. Man if this is too much to follow, you’re reading the wrong book.

  5. Usual Slott problems. Too much going on and the story moves way too fast. But it’s still cool seeing all of the Spider-Man characters together, even though the video game Shattered Dimensions (ironically also written by Slott) handled this much better. Less is more sometimes.

  6. I hate to say it, but every time I see the death of another Spider-Man that was created and written by some previous Spider-Man team I almost feel like it’s a big FU to those creators and the people who liked those particular versions. I don”t know why, but seeing Spider-Monkey get taken out so..easily (after he literally survived Ape-vampire Avengers and Marvel Zombies) His death was not only more or less off screen, it’s sorta cheapened how cool a character the writes of Marvel Apes actually had made him. (I know, silly to be upset over a monkey, but I like animal characters). I guess at least it wasn’t Spider-Ham..yet.

  7. @Stillanerd – Yeah it’s a great little homage the cartoon, I was smiling ear to ear while I read it. Without a doubt one of the real highlights of Spider-Verse.

  8. Great review! There is still a few things I didn’t get from this issue:

    *So Peter, unaware that he got the enigma force, can knock out the hulk in a single punch, but one with years of training can’t beat an overgrown Morbius? Why didn’t he just teleported him in a black hole or something ?!
    *Why didn’t May try to run with baby benjy when things started to go south? She just stands there, get b***h-slapped by Morlum and just watch as he takes away her brother. Pretty dumb.
    *Peter may yet do something amazing. After all, doesn’t Spock say something along the line of I am inferior when he gets back from his time displacement?

  9. I just couldn’t bear to post here after reading this review.

    When i read the issue, first thing I did was to check crawlspace to see what they thought. Surely THIS issue was OK. This is so the Hipster spidey site.

  10. @#5 RDMacQ

    It’s also looking more and more that this was clearly a smaller story blown up into far bigger than it was planned to be, given the amounts of padding (which basically amounts to “Go read this other story” which tells you to go back and read THIS story) that has bogged the event down so far.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if that was, indeed, the case. After all, when “Spider-Verse” promises “every Spider-Man ever!” there’s bound be some who get the short-end of the stick, and, as we’ve seen up until this point, it was Peter Parker–the character who all this is supposed to stem from–who’s been getting sidelined. Just compare this to the 1990s cartoon finale where Spidey also team-up with other versions of himself.

    @#6 Insane2201 — There’s probably two explanations for this. One is, as seen in ASM #4, once Peter let Silk out of her bunker, and Morlun was able to smell her across space and time (yeah, I know, it’s pretty darn ridiculous just saying that), it’s what kicked off the “Great Spider Hunt.” But the other reason could be due to what’s been going over in Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers run, in that, somehow, the multiverse is collapsing, causing alternate Earths to literally collide into each other. So perhaps the Inheritors are thinking, “If the multiverse is collapsing and there’s nothing to prevent it, might as well eat up all the Spiders we can.”

    @#10 Al — Yep. Exactly the point I’m making in my third “Nerdy Nitpick.” 😉

    @#11 Evan — I am curious about what, in “Spider-Verse,” is going to prompt SpOck to declare “You haven’t seen the last of Doctor Octopus” before getting sent back to his own time and forget everything that happened as we saw in Superior Spider-Man #19. I’m guessing the Master Weaver may have done a little reality-warping shenanigans.

    @#14 Raul —

    Is it just me or does Copiel draws Peter Parker as Andrew Garfield. Not that I’ve problem with it, I think that’s cool.

    Now that you mention it, there does appear to be a resemblance. Which, I agree, is very cool.

    @#15 Alex — Also, isn’t Miles’ mom still alive in that episode? So that could also mean the cartoon Miles was a different version, too.

    @#16 AndrewRoebuck — Thanks, Andrew! As for your own review, even though I think a lot of the various Spider-Men and Women have been reduced to cannon-fodder, I definitely agree that Slott is going a very good job in showing just how different each Spider-Man and Woman are via dialogue and their actions. For example, Cosmic Spidey, due to being the avatar for the Enigma Force, is way too confident in his abilities, and his lamenting how he had ultimate power and responsibility as he died is a sign of this. Granted, he’s not as arrogant as Otto, but it does show how Peter with too much power could take his enemies too much for granted.

    @#17 Ben — And going off your point, even though I’m being critical of the Miles and Ultimate cartoon Spidey going to the 1960s cartoon world scene, the actual story in Spider-Verse Team-Up #2 is a hoot! Definitely worth reading if you’ve ever watched both cartoons. 🙂

    @#20 Doc Wyoming — Oh, I agree that this sometimes does indeed happen, at least with boys and men. Also, let’s not forget Peter and Flash are a classic example of this trope in which they couldn’t stand each other in high school but, over time, became best buds as they matured and got older. But let’s not forget–this is Doc Ock Peter is fighting, the guy who stole his body and life, not to mention has been a super-villain for decades. Still, the idea of Peter and Otto having to work together to fight a common threat makes sense. It’s the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” scenario.

    @#21 Prophet924 —

    Nice to see an honest review of this book.

    Thanks! I appreciate that. 🙂

    I agree and know Karn plays into the demise of the Inheritors. His look is the most interesting. No way in the multi-verse Karn is Benjy aged.

    It’s a far-fetched theory of mine, to be sure. I’m just trying to think of just how Karn is going to impact “Spider-Verse” in a big way, because, as we agree, it’s clear Slott is setting him up to do just that. At the very least, I think Karn is another Spider-Man analogue who, unbeknownst to him, was adopted by the Inheritors. After all, he’s the only one of them who has to use a weapon to drain life force energy when the other Inheritors do not. Not to mention his guilt over the death of his mom and him wearing a mask is very Peter Parker-ish.

  11. Nice to see an honest review of this book. Overall this event is a fun ride. Yes it will end in some convenient way. I still think the cool factor will depend on this prophecy. Who uttered it? Where does it come from? What exactly does the prophecy say? Give this event some depth.

    I agree the Solus reveal merritted a great big shocking yawn. Wish Capt U Spidey did some kicking of Inheritor bottom. But no. Seems these mini Galacti can’t be stopped by the puny energy filled spider totems. Sad. I like the idea of Solus being from the actual Spider-Verse. But who could he be? Who had Peter encountered that resembled these over-powered aristocratic leeches. A twisted and fixated version of the Beyonder? An evil Ezekiel from another dimension who kept building up his power set? I’m at a loss.

    I agree and know Karn plays into the demise of the Inheritors. His look is the most interesting. No way in the multi-verse Karn is Benjy aged.


  12. “when two men who don’t like each other have a fist-fight and beat each other senseless, they will inexplicably and against all logic and reason gain mutual respect for one another.”

    Sorry, no. You must have avoided ever getting into a fight as a kid. When two kids, equally matched, fight each other to a stand still they do in fact become friends.

  13. @#18- You joke (at least I HOPE you’re joking) but we really shouldn’t count out a “Prophecy Twist.” Like the Inheritors THINK that Benjy is “The Scion,” but in reality it turns out to be Karn, who in fact is an alternate reality son of Peter and Silk.

    I mean, Karn could also be an alternate reality version of Peter and MJ, which I think is probably a safe bet. But I’ve found it’s best not to underestimate Slott.

  14. You only think Benjy is the son of MC2 Peter and MJ, but Slott is retconning in that MC2 MJ was replaced by a Silk who changed her appearance to honor Mary Jane after MJ died saving Silk prior to Benjy’s birth!

  15. I enjoyed watching Peter effortlessly slap SpOck around, and the art was really, really beautiful (again). But damn the ASM Spider-Verse plot has been kinda boring. I really want it to be this epic event that we were promised, but it hasn’t felt like it. So far half of the Spiders shown in the main title have either been killed with ease, or just sat around in central park arguing with each other. The tie-in mini-series have done better jobs of showing actual stuff of interest, like the Spiders fighting back against Morlun and co, or the various dimensions that the alternate Spiders come from.

  16. It seems I’m in the minority for this issue, but man I really liked it! That being said great review as always stillanerd, and you do make some good points!

  17. I dont think the Miles here is the one From the Ultimate met. in the show said that the peter parker of his world died “saving the world”, as opposed to dieng in his lawn fighting the sinister six, and his Goblin had huge wings

  18. Great Review!
    I personally enjoyed this issue, it was a fun read for me. And the art is just…. beautiful!
    I don’t remember when I enjoyed a spider-man comic/event.

    Is it just me or does Copiel draws Peter Parker as Andrew Garfield. Not that I’ve problem with it, I think that’s cool.

  19. Great points, I read the issue myself, I would put it as a B had its epic moments and great moments with Peter being Spider-Man again. The focus on Mayday was great but at the same time, we get it. Solus is the big bad, he can kill the Captain Universe Spider-Man and Morlun is just trying to be like his dad. However, the tie ins are shown to be books you need to pick up vs. they are nice sister titles but don’t have to be read. The art is something else, Oliver is showing some of his best work here.

  20. After this event is over, it would be interesting to read the later Superior Spider-man issues (after his return from time traveling) to see if his actions and dialogue are consistent with the events of Spider-verse. It would be a long shot, I know, but that’s partially why I like time travel stories. Part of the appeal of Back to the Future to me is the fact that the events of the first film can be re-watched and appreciated in light of the events in the second, and it all fits together, with a few exceptions, almost seamlessly. But I guess Dan Slott is not even in the same continuum as Bob Gale in terms of writing. Ironic that they once worked together on this very title.

  21. I like Peter being proactive here but it’s too little to late for me. And also wtf is this “I won and reclaimed my body”. Otto GAVE it up to him

  22. Great review sir! Peter beginning its return to spiderism, mayday getting the spotlight, silk away for a bit.. can’t get much better 😀

  23. So at the end of all this there is going to be a time-skip of say 15 years and Benjy will be in high school and become the flagship character in The Amazing Spider-Man vol 4 ? Might make everyone happy ……

  24. If anything, It’s almost as if this could easily be Slott trying out to be the next Spider-Girl writer. Even though 616 Peter stepped up, essentially Mayday has been elevated to probably the most prominent Spider in the story given the stakes involving her brother, and even in death, MC2 Peter seems more important now given he fathered the central pivotal plot point of this whole story. Not a bad feat for MC2, and shows Marvel have big plans for it in Secret Wars

  25. Because why not let the villains get so overblown that when they are finally beaten it’s because of a dues ex. Also as some have pointed out… why are all the inheritors killing the spider totems if they eat them? Meaning they are destroying their own food source? They even said they could live off one spider totem for a long time.

  26. On another note, I do think it’s an impressive feat that in order for the other stories to make sense, one has to read this book. But for THIS comic to make sense, you have to read the other books as well.

    It takes a certain level of skill to be this incomprehensible.

    It’s also looking more and more that this was clearly a smaller story blown up into far bigger than it was planned to be, given the amounts of padding (which basically amounts to “Go read this other story” which tells you to go back and read THIS story) that has bogged the event down so far.

  27. Another benefit to this part of the arc is that it seems to have the least amount of Silk in it of all the parts.

  28. @#1 hornacek — Oh, have so many alias on the podcast, I’ve lost count. But you call me anything you want, hornacek, be it Stillanerd, Nerd, Fake Mike, just plain Mike, etc. So long as you don’t call me Mickey, that is. 😉

  29. Wow, an A+ and a C+ … is that the biggest disparity between the two reviews we’ve had? Just curious since I haven’t read the issue yet so I just looked at the grades. When I saw Andrew gave it an A+ I had to see what Spectacular/Fake Mike gave it. Also, can we call you just “Mike” now?

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