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Podcast # 342-Spider-History November 1972

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  1. I’m grateful for back issues and TBPs, so I can reread Spider-Man stories that were actually well written, drawn, and colored. Stories that were actually about Spidey/Peter being a superhero and fighting crime and super villains, instead of a soap-opera that’s all about his own personal problems.

  2. I’m thankful for Miles, Miguel, and Spider-Gwen as I am not liking the writing on Amazing. Oh, and Stan Lee issues of Amazing on comixology!

  3. I’m thankful that finally had my turkey before being beat over the head with all the pre-Christmas propaganda!!!

  4. I am also happy I can share my love of spidey with my three sons and daughter. My boys love spidey too!

  5. I am thankful for the character in general and that he has been around for 50 plus years. There are tons of awesome spidey stories and new ones still coming out each month. It gives me something to look forward to when I have had a rough day or week! I know if Peter can make it through seemingly impossible situations, I can too!

  6. I’m grateful that Superior is over and Peter Parker is back in Amazing Spider-Man. I can’t say I’m grateful for the quality of the stories, but at least he’s back.

    Oh, and I’m grateful that my country’s Thanksgiving is on a Monday instead of Thursday. 🙂

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