Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #6 Review: AndrewRoebuck’s take

ASM2014006-DC11-LR-68109“You know you looked a lot more competent on those old VHS Tapes I used to watch”

WRITER: Dan Slott
PENCILER: Humberto Ramos
INKS: Victor Olazaba
COLORS: Edgar Delgado
LETTERER: Chris Eliopoulos
COVER: Ramos/Delgado
EDITOR: Nick Lowe

PLOT: PETER PARKERS IDENTITY IS REVEALED ON LIVE TV…or at least it would have been if Jonah hadn’t been blocking the camera’s view. Before Black Cat can give them a better view, Silk webs up Peter’s face and helps him escape. ASM2014006-int-LR3-2-2a1ffBlack Cat decides to enlist the help of the Hobgoblins supervillain army, who are attending a wake for Francine (killed by Electro in Amazing Spider-Man #1). From here we see Peter getting patched up by Anna Maria who urges him to go to the Anti-Electro device that they are preparing to present to the police. Cindy joins them due to plot convenience. Electro, and Black Cat get the devices secrets from Sajani, and go to try to mess up the big presentation. On their way to the presentation Silk senses danger, and Anna Maria gets the crowd evacuated after she receives a promotion. Black Cat starts giving Electro a huge power surge, which starts killing him she offers Peter a choice in order to find out if Doc Ock really is still in control of Spider-Man. Spider-Man saves Electro almost killing himself in the process. Black Cat escapes, and goes to the Eel’s secret layer to meet with her new Supervillain army. The issue ends with Cindy Moon getting an internship at the Fact Channel, and Peter explaining how great everything is…and apparently Electro has been fully cured never TO EVER become Electro again…EVER…never…EVER…completely…human.
STORY: So how about the Eight Ball making another appearance, that’s good right? Yeah it is, unfortunately a lot of the rest of this issue falls flat. Notice how in every battle in this issue Spider-Man is useless, and Silk wins all of his battles. While I am beginning to grow to enjoy Silk as a character, she is falling victim to aggressively poor “you should like this girl” storytelling. They are doing it in the opposite way that they dealt with Carlie Cooper however, by continuously SHOWING how awesome she is. It just doesn’t work, she seems to be better than Spider-Man in every way, she’s like if Venom was a female and made out with Spider-Man a lot. There is a bit of a cheeky gag with her near the end of the fight where she comments on how Spider-Man seemed more competent before, HOWEVER pointing out that Spider-Man was better in every non-Slott appearance doesn’t make it any less annoying that he isn’t as good as he once was. Save the meta commentary for Deadpool Silk. Also did Slott just midichlorianize Spider-sense? Silk literally explains exactly what Spider-sense is and how it works. I have never wanted to know the science behind this, I prefer the mystery. This is a small gripe though as it’s a one off line, still it’s annoying. Oh and Silk totally pulls a less epic gz6lbmgxowbq58r9blw8Groot by wrapping herself in a web ball, she also seems to have infinite web fluid that she can scientifically alter by simply willing it. Oh and Cindy thinks a Newsroom has the most resourceful means of communication in this day and age? She really needs to look up google.


HOW DID ELECTRO GET CURED? Black Cat when she starts to work with the machine literally says she is putting it in reverse. Meaning Electro would get more powerful, and he wouldn’t get cured he would get even stronger. They even show this happening in the issue, however when he is suddenly pulled out of the thing that is making him stronger…he is cured? I am left feeling like Nicolas Cage in the movie The Wicker Man, but instead of yelling “how’d it get burned” I’m yelling “how’d he get cured” over and over again.
Now onto the positives, Eight Ball makes another appearance. End of positives.
I kid, I kid not all this issue was bad. I loved Sajanis, betrayal of Peter it’s fun to have him have a non supervillain, costumed foe (asides from Jonah of course). Anna Maria has some great lines as always, and her eventual revelation that she intends to remain friends with Peter is both heartwarming, and very natural. Cindy Moon has some enjoyable one liners, and a clever web pun that I actually enjoyed, and I feel like having Black Cat put on nerd glasses was a very fun nod to the well-known cliché. It was nice to see that the character Electro killed in issue one, is not completely forgotten, with the villains giving her a nice wake before The Black Cat arrives. Oh and Jonah blocking his own reveal was easily foreseeable but immensely amusing.
ART: Ramos does some solid work in this issue, the faces are expressive, and his action scenes are well put together. I still really enjoy Black Cats new costume (even if the but belt is a little over the top), and the Supervillain bar seems well realized, nothing in particular to comment on however.
BEST BACKGROUND CHARACTER: The Ringer, because damn that guy is suppa fly.
ON THE NEXT AMAZING SPIDER-MAN: Spiderverse…hopefully?


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  1. Silk should be suffering some severe psychological trauma. She has been locked up for ~13 years with no contact with anyone except recordings of Ezekiel. Someone who has gone through that and is suddenly released into the world would not know how to properly react to anyone or anything.

    And I don’t care how much practicing of her powers she did in that room for 13 years, she has never fought anyone. There is no way she should be able to defeat Black Cat/Electro, let alone hold her own and save Spidey.

  2. @16 – Slott’s argument seems to be that Silk watching some DVD’s of Spider-Man fighting his villains has given her flawless battle experience. I don’t think this logic needs to be commented on.

  3. A number of you are commenting how silly Silk is making Spidey appear, but not many are questioning her level of experience. Sure, she can get training from Ezekiel, but how much experience can you get trapped in a room for years? It also seems to me the old Spidey would be questioning her powers and wondering why they differ from his if they were bitten by the same spider.

  4. Andrew: “I am left feeling like Nicolas Cage in the movie The Wicker Man, but instead of yelling “how’d it get burned” I’m yelling “how’d he get cured” over and over again.”

  5. Nice job Andrew! (yeah I totally stole Stillanerd’s “big quotes” thing too. . .Sorry, Mike)

    I find it inconsistent that Peter, who has been on this whole “prepare more for my villains” kick since Big Time, did not bust out his insulated suit from ASM#425 when he KNEW he was going to be dealing with Electro?! Silk had to save his butt there too. I hate how she is built up as this really competent character at the expense of Peter freaking Parker.

    Why, oh why, do I live in a world where I enjoyed this week’s issue of “New Warriors” more than “the Amazing Spider-Man.” Maybe it’s just time for me to retire. . .

  6. Oh I hated that, one Wakanda is full of short minded people but they don’t hold back because they can’t make money out of it. I hated those days, Hudlin did not get Black Panther at all.

  7. @10 – Oh Reginald Hudlin, what was going through your head when you wrote Black Panther. I will never forget the infamous “Why cure a disease when people pay for medicine?” and”If they cared about their people’s wealth, they wouldn’t sell cigarettes” lines.

  8. Why Slott keeps wanting to force: “Peter can’t handle money in any shape or form.” And now: “His partner is going to screw him over because she wants to make money not help people.” Yeah, we get in Parker Industries is going to fall and Peter will be broke and no one will love him anymore… wah wah! Why this has to be Peter Parker I will never understand. Peter is not perfect and he messes up but this is like Howard Mackie thinking: “Kill off wife, make him homeless, everyone hates Spider-Man.” Yeah, that’s Grade A material right there. Please, least we have 8 Ball.

  9. @#9: It’s cool. I’m under contract to mention how terrible Wakanda was while Hudlin wrote Black Panther.

  10. @8 – I was kidding.
    I could see Spider-Man in Detroit or Chicago, but the Spider-Man featured would most likely end up being 2099 or Kaine. Marvel will probably never take Pete out of NYC for the same reason they won’t let him get married and have a job or kid.

  11. #6: Put him in Chicago or Detroit. Wakanda is awful; bunch a xenophobic schmucks who won’t share their cancer cures.

  12. @6 – Out of curiosity, what location would you move Spidey too if you were writing the series? I personally would really love to see Spider-Man in Wakanda 🙂

  13. Again, I really hope that Dan Slott leaves writing the Amazing Spider-Man core series; he may bring in a couple of new characters, but being Always in New York City gets dull and old hat; I’d rather see Spidey in a new environment with different scenic qualities. Mary Jane Watson is and has always been the Best potential girlfriend or wife for Peter Parker; she’s Hotter than the other females he’s come across in his life and if he can balance his crime-fighting and job with plenty of alone time with MJ, I’m pretty sure that would work out Best. The Police could take up more responsibility to keep the city safe than to have Spidey do more of the work; it makes more sense that way. I don’t know about other readers, but I will not subscribe until writer Dan Slott is taken off of writing the ASM series. He hasn’t written every story so fantastic that it makes me want to come back for more. Plus, I feel that Dan is more set in his writing ways to not let other fans or writers help him with adding new fresh and innovative ideas for better stories. The Batman and Detective Comics: Batman stories have more substance that makes you think compared to the ASM books since Civil War and that crap that is One More Day. 80’s, 90’s, and Spidey stories before 2006 and Civil War were the Greatest and still respected long-time fans and readers much more than they do now. Anybody agree?

  14. @#1 AndrewRoebuck — That’s okay, my good sir. In fact, I applaud your borrowing that method and using such a quote which appropriately and ironically describes this issue to a tee. Well done! 🙂

  15. This issue was great!! Silk continues to be totally awesome, the way she’s just making out with Peter all the time is so cool, Peter is such a player!!

    I’m so glad Silk consistently makes the main character of the book look like a incompetent clown. Slott’s original characters are much better than Peter and his established supporting cast, he should retcon all of their personalities just like Black Cat. Speaking of Black Cat, she’s so much better as generic villain, I can’t wait to see her try to take over the New York underworld!!

    Wow the unmasking resolution was amazing (pun intended). It was so clever and unexpected, I really thought Peter’s identity was going to be discovered. It’s great that the staff at the studio are such good people that they didn’t move to a better position and take a picture/video of Peter on their smartphone.

  16. Good to know that after over a year from being absent from the book, the first storyline after Peter comes back is to have him completely upstaged in the climax and made to look like a fool in every opportunity.

  17. Sorry Stillanerd for stealing your “big quotes” for beginning reviews but I felt it was just so appropriate for this issue I couldn’t pass it up.

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