Spider-Man Thrift Art!

USpideyFishingntold numbers of low cost art paintings are destined to a sad fate. After they come down from bathroom walls or kitchenettes where they hung for decades they often wind up in second-hand thrift stores. There they lay on shelves, gather dust on walls or, even worse, they are stacked unceremoniously in large piles.

They all wait for the day when artist David Irvine will find them and breathe new life onto their canvases. Since 2004 Irvine has been reclaiming forgotten wall art and using it as backdrops for his work. So what does he do? Well he paints iconic characters onto them. Often those iconic characters are doing the same day-to-day things that you or I might do for relaxation.

Here now, for your consideration, ‘Spider-Fishing.’

Irvine calls it ‘re-directed’ art. His work also depicts iconic Star Wars and Star Trek characters and other iconic characters like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters.

To view more of David Irvine’s work check out his website as well as his Facebook page. His work is also available for sale on Etsy.

We now return you to the arts!

–George Berryman!

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