Podcast # 324- Spider-History August 1997

Podcast324picJR heads back to August 1997 for this episode of Spider-Man history. We look at the following books:
*Amazing Spider-Man # 426
*Spider-Man # 82
*Sensational Spider-Man #18
*Spectacular Spider-Man #248
*Spider-Man Unlimited # 17
*Untold Tales of Spider-Man #17
*What If #99
*Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda prose novel


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board. 

We produced seven other shows in August. If you missed any of them here are the links. 

Podcast # 323-Spider-News, Female Movie, Peter Meets Dad, Best Marvel Stories
Podcast # 322-Friday Night Fight-Shang Chi and Nick Fury
Podcast # 321-Amazing Spider-Man 1.3, 4, 5 and Superior 32 reviews
Podcast # 320- 2014 Live Callers
Podcast # 319-Friday Night Fights-Black Widow
Podcast # 318-11 Spider-Satellite Reviews
Podcast #317-Message Board Q & A 

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  1. Which once again proves the accuracy of the following statement – “Better to be lucky than good any day.”

  2. Well folks, it seems I was actually mistaken and that J.R. was right after all! I thought Master Zei said “Ki,” which is indeed pronounced pronounced the same as the word “key.” However, when I looked over “Amazing Spider-Man #426 again, I saw that the actual word Master Zei used was “Kai,” not “Ki.” And “Kai,” depending on how the Japanese kanji is written, is indeed pronounced “ky,” and would rhyme with words like “hi,” “sky,” or “why.” So yes, J.R. really is the master. 🙂

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