Happy 16th Birthday Crawlspace


It’s hard to believe it’s been 16 years since I created this website. I started it in college on my old Windows 95 computer, which only had 1.6 gig of hard drive space. The day was August 8, 1998 and I just signed up for free hosting from geocities. Fast forward 16 years I’m now writing this on my phone, I’m now a father and have had millions of people visit this Crawlspace over the years. I thank you all for your continued support and I don’t see closing the doors anytime soon. Do you have a favorite memory of the site? Share it in the comments. Also here’s a screen cap of what the site looked like in 1999.

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  1. Happy Birthday Crawlspace! I started checking the website at the onset of the Big Time run. I was studying in Europe at the time and was anticipating Roderick Kingsley’s return (man was that a bummer) and have been coming here ever since. Long Live Brad Douglas and his crew and Long Live the Spider-Man Crawlspace!!

  2. Happy birthday Crawlspace! My favorite memories all involve the friends I’ve made through here and especially on Fight Club. May the Spidey goodness continue!

  3. This makes me feel old. I found this site not too long after you made it. It’s the only Spidey site I visit on a regular basis and the only comic message board I post on thanks to all the great people here. Love it, Brad!

  4. Happy Birthday, Crawlspace!

    Let’s see, my favorite memories…there are a lot, too many to name. Spider-Jeopardy was always a lot of fun, especially Stella’s aghast response to the famous word-balloon question.
    But overall I would have to go with the general camaraderie and friendships that I’ve gained over the years here. Whether I was hanging out in the Delta House, or debating with friends in Fight Club, it’s really been a blast.

    Thanks for all the years of fun, guys…and here’s to many more!

  5. Happy birthday. I really enjoy your site. The reviews are fun to read, the topics you select to showcase are timely and the comments are so funny and ofttimes spot on! My favorite memory: the outrage over the death of Peter Parker and superior Spider-Man. It was a blast to read the reactions of folks on the site. For the record I had my issues but mostly enjoyed s.s-man!!

    Thanks for your hard work on keeping the site on-line. I wonder how many other comic based web sites have come and gone since you started?

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