Deleted ASM2 Footage: Peter Meets Richard

ASM2DLTD1A leaked deleted scene from this summer’s Amazing Spider-Man 2 shows Richard Parker finding Peter at Gwen’s grave, revealing that he is alive.

The clip is currently up at, and runs about five minutes long. I couldn’t find a way to show it here.

Richard reveals that he is alive, leading to an emotional outburst from Peter – who of course wants answers as to why he did not return. Richard explains that he had to keep away from Osborn so that he could protect Peter. The two briefly chat on a bench, discussing Peter’s mother, before Richard explains to Peter that “with great power comes great responsibility.”

This would indicate one of two things. Either Richard Parker is (at least in this scene) genuinely alive, having somehow survived the incident on the plane at the start of ASM2. Or that Peter is being fooled, perhaps by the Chameleon, perhaps by Mysterio, to be further explained in either the Sinister Six or ASM4.

No telling how long the footage will be up before Sony requests that it be removed, so watch it soon. Also, the volume is very low so you will need to turn your speakers up. Thanks to Tyson for the heads-up!

–George Berryman!

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  1. At the risk of making JR’s list, may I pull a Tyson and ask if we can hear a reaction to this on the podcast’s next news segment? Even if it wouldn’t have been Richard Parker, I’d like to hear what he’d have to say about the shafting of Uncle Ben.

  2. Wow that is just terrible, I hope this isn’t canon and remains unmentioned in ASM 3. Having Richard say it is just forced and testament to how obsessed the screenwriters are with Peter’s parents.

    I’m thinking that this is actually supposed to be Richard Parker and not a clone/Chameleon. I remember reading that in the original draft of the film, instead of hearing Gwen’s graduation speech (which worked a lot better), meeting his dad and hearing the “Great Power” line is what motivates Peter become Spider-Man again.

  3. If Webb is as big of a fan of the Ultimate Universe he may well have intended to do the Ultimate Clone Saga because didn’t that involve someone who was seemingly Peter’s dad showing up?

  4. This is SO awful!

    It’s a shame they are driving this franchise into a ditch. Andrew is such a great Spidey. Hope they don’t reboot again after ASM3. If we even get an ASM3 at this point. I have a feeling if this SS movie ever comes out at all, it’s going to bomb. Putting ASM3 at serious risk.

    Hopefully Sony pictures just folds instead and Disney buy the whole division or at least the Spider-Man rights back. Then with any luck they can fix the current Andrew driven continuity and roll it into the expanded Marvel Universe. Making way for Spidey’s appearance in the Avengers 3 (or 4).

  5. @#1: That wouldn’t surprise me. Especially because the original Clone Saga involves Gwen Stacy and there’s rumors of her return. And since she’s dead as doorknob and buried in the ground, I don’t think we’ll be seeing the real Gwen return. I really like Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, but the Clone saga is the worst way to bring her back into the franchise

  6. I would have liked them to somehow get the saying into the new films, but not like this. I know Uncle Ben didn’t actually say it initially (it was the narrator who says it in the original comic) but it’s far more fitting for Ben to say it, since it’s he who ultimately shaped Peter’s morality.

    Plus, the film already had so much going on, it was probably best not to throw in a faked death at the last minute.

  7. So I guess if you thought ASM2 obsessed over Peter’s parents and that Uncle Ben got the shaft in the movie, it could have been much much worse. “My father taught me that with great power there must also come great responsibility. My uncle … he didn’t really teach me anything, I don’t remember much about him. But let me tell you more about my wonderful father …”

    Although this scene would make more sense out of the scene where we see the parents on the plane, because that scene sticks out like a sore thumb. It never comes up again in the movie, it’s never referenced, and no other character (i.e. Peter) learns about it.

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