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Happy Birthday Stillanerd!

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  1. For some reason I am blessed with an abundance of people willing to pour cold water on me. Go figure!

    As a follow-up I did complete the challenge. It was filmed by a friend of mine, uploaded to Facebook and then shared on my timeline. Unfortunately it’s not uploaded to YouTube, which I think prohibits Brad from showing it here. But I did do it, and the ice water was poured on me slowly. 🙂

  2. So Brad, did you do it again like Ava asked?
    Loved her reaction.

    And George, why don’t you visit Brad again and have Ava help you too?

  3. It puts an insane smile to see Don still commenting on Crawlspace. 🙂 The fact none of the former panelists aside from Stella appeared on the call in show, it made me worry that there may have been some bad blood between the the guys who left the site/podcast. Maybe there was, it’s none of our business. One of the admins can edit this bit of my post out if they’d like. >.>

    To the topic at hand though, I think Ava’s almost a little too amused. xD

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