Clone Memories: The Variant Cover of… A PREGO MARY JANE?!

20140723_212804Okay, so maybe the title is a bit dramatic. But seriously…. with the marriage being dissolved back in 2007, one of the plot points that was in it was the240-b baby that they would have had if they had stayed together. But… ZACH! Yes, I know, I’ll get to that in a moment.

 This folks, is the only cover which shows a Pregnant Mary Jane Waston-Parker and Peter. And It’s a Variant. By Luke Ross, this cover houses the first chapter of the Final Story of the 2 year long status quo known as the Clone Saga. But.. Remember, there was no baby… right? RIGHT?

But! you say, there was a baby! Yes. She makes her return in ASM Vol III 8 as part of the Spider-Verse event. But, in looking for a latest clone memory, I was reminded of an experience from Comic Con 2011 where myself and A Former Front Page Writer were looking at books at a major comic retailer’s booth. Now, mind you, this cover is one of the few variants in the Clone Saga, Most of the Variants in the Pre-Maximum Cloneage days were mostly newsstand variants that were foiled out compared to the direct editions which had no foil, but this was the first Truly different cover to a book we had seen. Anyway, because of this, the Major retailer chain was charging 75 bucks. This, wasn’t the only egregious overpriced item that I encountered over that weekend, but I remember being bummed not becoming an owner of it. 

You’ll notice in the picture I am attaching to this post of my goofy mug, (And yes, I wore this hoodie for you George. Take THAT Berryman!) I got this for 3.25. Of course, a high resolution image of the cover in question is to your right.

That overpriced major comic retailer exploiting folks just cause they went to San Diego Comic Con can now bite me.

Happy Thursday Folks.

-Zach Joiner.

If you want more from Zach, go to Since 2009, he has had a podcast called Clone Saga Chronicles, a show devoted to the talk of Spider-Clones Past And Present. In 2014, the site added Spectacular Radio, a show devoted to the Spectacular Spider-Man Cartoon, and the newest show Mayday Mondays, which covers Spider-Girl. Ya know, the little girl that’s growing inside of Mary Jane’s Belly, yeah. That one. Of course, you can go the message board and talk to him too. 

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  1. Greetings from California! I’m bored to death at
    work so I decided to check out your website on my iphone
    during lunch break. I love the info you provide here and can’t wait to take a look when I get home.
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    I’m not even using WIFI, just 3G .. Anyways, very good site!

  2. So often as I read through the comments on this site I find myself wishing I could “like” them, Facebook-style. You guys are great.

  3. No respect. NO RESPECT I TELL YOU.

    I’m not the uni bomber.

    I don’t have the porn mustache

  4. I think the copy of this issue that I have has both covers included. Maybe.

    Is it just me, or does Zach look like George in that pic?

  5. I love this cover, i got it right off the rack at LCS back in the day for cover too.
    It reminds me off high school, halloween and a time in comics when things were so much more newer.
    Luke Ross is the man.

  6. I took one look at Zack’s picture and thought he was writing a Clone Saga manifesto in a Unabomber-style shack in the woods.

  7. Zach… if you MUST wear a hoodie… BLACK, man.

    And by god… he DOES look like the Unabomber!

    @George Berryman

    I’m defending hoodies. Step off, son.

  8. I never knew this was a variant. I think my comic shop just gave me the issue with that cover.

    The one thing that bothered me about Spider-Man was the fact the writers seemed to completely drop the ball on following up with what happened to the baby. From what I recall, she was kidnapped and never heard from again. Disappointing.

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