Happy Birthday Eddie DeAngelini

10354132_10152098041731717_7316582070235959956_nJoin me in giving a big Crawlspace happy birthday to our buddy Eddie DeAngelini. He’s the artist and writer  of the Collectors comic strip you read every Sunday here on the front page. He’s a really talented guy and I’m proud to host his strip every week and call him a friend. Also congrats to him and his wife Kristen for successfully raising enough money to print his second annual of Collectors through Kickstarter. 

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  1. #@12

    Maybe you can clear something up or me… if you’re drunk, and you play a racing game, can they still give you a ticket? O_o

  2. My birthday was a blast. Kristen threw me a party at a place here in Los Angeles called 82, which is a barcade. What’s a barcade? It’s a bar arcade filled with real vintage video games from the 1980s! It’s a real challenge to play Space Invaders or Frogger after everyone has been buying you birthday beers!

  3. You are officially late when you get to the party after the one who is getting a party X.x
    Still I can at least ask: How was yer Bday mate ?

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