Podcast # 300- Spider-Friends Reunion: Dan Gilvezan and Kathy Garver Interview

Podcast300picWe celebrate our 300th episode with a reunion 30 years in the making.  Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends is a classic from the 1980s. I had a chance to interview Dan Gilvezan who voiced Spider-Man and Kathy Garver who voiced Firestar.
Highlights of the interview include:
*When the two first discovered Spider-Man
*Dan shares a story about winning the role, loosing it, and getting it back
*Kathy talks about helping create a character on a cartoon that lives in the comics 30 years later.
*Thoughts on a reunion
*Ms. Lion meets a Pound Puppy?
*Thoughts on the Spider-Man movies.
*Favorite episodes and lines they read from the show.
*Why they think the series is still popular 30 years later. 

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You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.

Check out Dan’s website here and check out Kathy’s website on this link. 

If you missed the other show of May, here’s the link.
Podcast #299-Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie review

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  1. OMG thanks for this! this was and still is my favorite cartoon of all time!! I know some of the episodes by heart. Just too many quotes from that show…

    “Bonnie, my book report”
    “Hey friends wanna check out those spiders at the pet shop? What spiders? Ohhhhh spiiiders…”
    “NoooooOOOOOOO!!!!! My fire monstaaaaaaa!!!!!”

  2. Is there something wrong with the “Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board” link at the top of this article? When I click it it takes me to the message board but all it displays is “You are not authorised to read this forum.” Or maybe it’s just me.

  3. This episode was awesome! It brought back so many memories from when I was a kid. I immediately went to Amazon.uk and bought both of Dan’s books. Thanks for doing this Brad, you’ve made a fellow fan very happy.

  4. This is awesome. I haven’t listened to the full episode yet, but it sounds super fun so far. Now all BD has to do is get the cast from the ’90s Spider-Man TAS for a retrospective podcast. Tbh I’d be happy if it was just Christopher Daniel Barnes yelling “MAAAARY JAAAAAAAANE!” repeatedly.

  5. I’ve not seen much of this show (child of the 90’s) but these two seem like too very friendly, genuine people.

  6. Thanks George. This one ranks up there with getting to interview Sal Buscema and surprising him with Stan Lee on the line.

  7. Loved this! I definitely know who Hans Conreid is. Hook is my favorite Disney villain and he voiced Chameleon in the ‘Seven Little Superheroes’ episode. Ha-cha!

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