80 Page Giant Collectors #2 Is COMING SOON!!!

80 Page Giant Collectors #2 is coming and needs you to Kickstart it! The second Collectors annual will contain 80 PAGES collecting all the strips from 2013 along with all new material! You can help bring this giant book to life by joining in the Kickstarter campaign. The first Kickstarter campaign to bring Collectors King-Size Annual #1 to life was such a success, I’m doing it again! This time around, the contributor rewards will include:

– Digital and print copies of Collectors #2
– Collectors t-shirts
– Original Collectors comic strip art
– A chance to become a character in the strip!

In the words of one reader, “You’re giving away so much stuff, it’s more like a pre-order than a fundraiser!” The Kickstarter campaign runs until June 26th, but don’t wait because all the good stuff might be gone by then! Click here to go to Kickstarter campaign.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TqNoZ6MaTE&w=640&h=480]

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1 Comment

  1. Unfortunately, Eddie, you didn’t make paypal an option.
    What about money orders (from Canada)?

    Eye hop thet book too turgs out okey witout my
    ekpert editing 🙂

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