Spectacular Radio Episode II: The Fan-Panel Edition

Spec Radio 02Hello folks! Who’s excited for that interview with Firestar and Spidey? I AM. While you’re thinking of questions (and get those in quick!) click this little button below to listen to the Fan-Panel of Me, (Zach Joiner- Webmaster of Spidey-Dude.com) Jesse Garrett, Greg Bishansky, and Gerard Delatour II as we talk about our fandom in 2007 (Where I make an egregious error… long time fans of this sites Podcast will testify to this) and 2008, discuss the Vulture, Enforcers and much much more. Click Play now, and enjoy the show. (or go to this link to download directly)

If you want to contact the guys, call the voicemail line at 818-925-6631 or leave an email at spectacularradio@gmail.com

Thanks to everyone who has given us the overwhelming response to Episode 1. Be sure to come back for Episode 3 as we have Greg Weisman back on the show!

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1 Comment

  1. Don’t worry Gerard, I love Spiderman 3 too… and would watch it 10 more times than Amazing.

    Great start to the reviews everyone – looking forward the next episodes!

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