Creator Showcase #5 – Marcos Martin

Marcos Martin is a Spanish comic book artist, who has worked on a number of successful and acclaimed series, including Batgirl: Year One, Dr. Strange: The Oath and his digital only series Private Eye.

His first published work in the US appeared in The Batman Chronicles #12 in 1998. Martin went on to provide artwork to DC titles such as JSA and Birds of Prey, before moving to Marvel in 2006.

While Martin’s work on Batgirl: Year One and Robin: Year One (with Javier Pulido) are acclaimed series, his Marvel work includes some of his most iconic images. His art style is often described as having a retro feel, and as such his work appears in both Captain America’s 65th and 70th anniversary specials.

While his contributions to Spider-Man are limited, they are significant. Martin’s Escher-like approach has enabled him to capture the movement of Spider-Man in creative new ways, and he was a frequent contributor to the Amazing Spider-Man between 2008 and 2011.

Martin has worked with Dan Slott, Mark Waid and Stan Lee, and told stories that featuring villains like Mysterio and Shocker as well as adding his own co-creations such as Paperdoll and Screwball.

Since leaving Amazing Spider-Man to work on Daredevil, and his own creator-owned series, Martin continues to provide variant covers for the book, including one for this weeks Amazing Spider-Man #1.

Unscheduled Stop – Amazing Spider-Man #578-579
Identity Crisis Amazing Spider-Man 600
Mysterioso Amazing Spider-Man #618-620

Also if you enjoy Martin’s work I would also recommend checking out his Dr. Strange mini-series and his creator-owned (pay what you like) series Private Eye, both are expertly written by Brian K. Vaughan, who I would love to do a creator spotlight on, but unfortunately I think his Spider-Man work only includes Spider-Man/Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure. That would make for a short article.

– Adam

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  1. Nice way to showcase a talented artist. I really enjoy his work. I think his Amazing Spider-Man 1 cover is the best of the lot in that plethora of covers. It is the only one I asked my LCBS to save for me.

  2. One of my favorite modern Spidey artists. The dream sequence in No One Dies is one of the best visuals in Spidey in my opinion. Hope he returns to doing some interior art on the new ASM.

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