What starts off as a normal vidcast review for Superior Spider-Man #29 and Superior Foes of Spider-Man #9 ends up being invaded when my wife and son decide to get involved in my review midway through. Leading to one of the funniest reviews I have ever done.

View articlesBusiness and Technology Teacher, blogger and long time comic book collector.
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Spider-Man:Web of Shadows Gameplay
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Katy Perry Parody “Geek and Gamer Girls”
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man episode #49-“The Return of the Green Goblin” Review: “1. Why use of portal is “most clueless possible”? He’s stuck there in -between, and what’s to say father-son bond…” Mar 18, 13:42
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Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 27, 00:06
Gevorg on 1994 Spider-Man #48-“The Vampire Queen”: “What development should’ve happenned between Blade & Lee? Deb and Flash never were main heroes, they always appeared in and…” Feb 26, 23:58
The New Scarlet Spider- Kaine are some of the greatest stories that I’ve been reading, don’t like the Superior Spidey costume; the other one “Otto Parker” wore looked better which looked like the 70’s version just updated a bit, and the tweaked suit in the first Amazing Spider-Man movie looks better than the original of AS2 coming out soon, in my opinion. The smaller eyes and the red streaks down the legs balance the design of the costume out. The long legs of the front spider look creepy but cool and the colors red/blue are perfect enough.
I just started watching your video casts and you do a pretty good job at them. A bit humorous at times. Dude, you honestly look like you could be my long lost brother. LOL I’ve been a die-hardcore Spider-Man fan for years, even though Christ Jesus is my top favorite super-hero and held onto DC’s Superman for the longest time. Who’s your favorite Spidey artist by the way? Mine: John Romita, Sr. , Todd McFarlane, Angel Medina cause her drawing style is similar to Todd’s, Mark Bagley, Erik Larsen, and all the painted art from other artists. I’ll have to get back into reading the Spidey comics again, the stories are good- some better than others; I mainly love what Spidey can do and the art especially the female characters- MJ= Favorite especially Carla Cosplay as the character posted on a page or two of this website.
Thank you Nickw. I try to keep these reviews fun and enjoyable. I’m hoping to do some fun stuff with the Annual next week. I also have a real big one coming up at the end of the month.
Nice reveiw as always sir
Its funny when people who know my wife see her do things like this they can’t believe that’s her. They see her as shy at times but when the opportunity arrises… My son also just has such an infectious laugh when he gets going. I was trying to keep a straight face when I saw he was walking in with his Spider-Man shirt on.
Nice rundowns. The Avengers stuff really had me scratching my head as well. I was reading and thinking “If the Avengers are involved why is this not over yet?”
Epic photobomb by your family! Heh.