Review: Superior Foes of Spider-Man #10

SFOES10“I don’t know if he heard the shouting or smelled the space gas…”

What did Beetle, Overdrive and Speed Demon do before catching up with the man who double-crossed them last issue? What any lower tier villains would do: rob a bar and tell bad stories about past near-glory!

‘Filling In’/’Driven’
‘Trial and Terror’/’The Superior Adventures of the Speed Demon!’

WRITER James Asmus
ART Gerardo Sandoval, Terry Pallot, Carmen Carnero, Nuno Ploti, Siya Oum, Pepe Larraz, Andres Mossa
LETTERER VC’s Clayton Cowles
EDITOR Tom Brennan (presumably?)

The solicitation for this issue had us believing that the usual team of Nick Spencer & Steve Lieber would be the storytelling team on this issue. But that’s incorrect; someone reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. This month’s issue winds up being a filler with James Asmus writing and art by several people. Nick Spencer also took to Twitter to let fans know that he and Lieber won’t be returning until issue #12.

The story takes place sometime before Beetle and Overdrive caught up with Fred, which we saw at the end of last month’s issue. This month, both of them – and Speed Demon – knock over a bar and tie up the employees as they wait for the timer on a safe. While waiting the three tell stories about the most formidable opponents they’ve come across in their criminal careers. Beetle’s story is about Daredevil; Speed Demon & Overdrive’s stories are both about Hercules.

James Asmus’s story, while humorous, isn’t as subtle as Nick Spencer’s work. There are pee jokes in here as well as Speed Demon explaining that he arranged for Hercules to catch gonorrhea from a superhero groupie. The end result, while funny, feels subpar to what he usually get with this book. But – it’s the first of two fill-in months so I’m just glad I wound up somewhat enjoying it. However, though the writing isn’t the standard we’re used to with Superior Foes the artwork is well done. It’s hard to know precisely who did what on the book since the roles aren’t clearly delineated it’s hard to give specific credit out. Beetle’s story lists Siya Oum as ‘artist’ and while I really enjoyed her art style it was a little jarring to go from one style to the next. Thankfully it’s switching styles to tell a related story and not just switching styles in the middle of the same story, so it’s not overly distracting. Carmen Carnero’s work on the main story was also enjoyable.

SFOES10-1I’ve never liked Overdrive. He was always one of the lamest Brandnewverse villains and to be honest he doesn’t get a lot of spotlight moments in this title. That’s probably a good thing; Overdrive is so lame he makes the Trapster look like Loki. And with this month’s book we’re shown what a lightweight he is. He has trouble going to the bathroom when there’s a Hercules poster on the wall and later wets himself when Hercules shows up. If he was a classic villain I’d feel a little sorry for how he’s represented here, but he’s not that so I don’t.

The issue is still filled with jokes and gags that do work, which is what we expect from this title. Probably the most enjoyable moment for me in here was Speed Demon making his losses against heroes like the Thing, Iceman and the Avengers sound like victories. But while most of the gags work here at least one story element does not. In Beetle’s Daredevil story she starts off talking about how Matt Murdock “repping a plaintiff against one of my firm’s clients.” This tells us that it’s a civil action; Murdock is representing a party that is suing one of her firm’s clients. Said client (who is not named) is shown in the courtroom to be wearing standard issue orange prison clothes. Makes sense; criminals can be sued. But when Murdock makes an excuse in court so Daredevil can stop an attack by the Looter in the courthouse, Beetle claims that with an angry judge and no opposing counsel she “got a twice-convicted psychopath back on the streets.” Now I’m no lawyer, sure, but if you’re in jail you’re there for being a criminal; not because someone sued you. So finding against the plaintiff in the civil suit shouldn’t result in someone getting out of jail. It seems more like Asmus may have forgotten that Matt Murdock is an attorney not a prosecutor, and that the scripting was changed last minute to divert from that. Unless Matt Murdock has recently become a prosecutor and I didn’t hear about it. Then again I lost interest in Daredevil over a decade ago so I can’t say for sure. But… because comics. Heh.

Editorially speaking, this fill-in book feels like a hot mess that was cobbled together as fast as was humanly possible. I had to go online to find out Terry Pallot’s first name and to find out that ‘Carmenero’ is not a last name but someone’s butchering of artist Carmen Carnero’s name. In the main story, which ties the three tales together, you’re simply left to decipher who did what aside from writer Asmus and letterer Clayton Cowles. The editor’s also not listed so we’re left to assume it was Tom Brennan. On Twitter, Marvel’s Digital Media Executive Editor Ryan Penagos blamed the snafu with Carmen Carnero’s name on Silvermane’s head. Unfortunately that’s not the only thing wrong with this book!


Good fill-in art but though the story is enjoyable the fill-in writing is problematic in some areas. The end result feels like this fill-in book resulted from a race against a deadline and it suffers for it. Even worse, it doesn’t move the story forward or flesh out one of the main characters the way Beetle’s story did back in issue #7. This was the first time I was mildly disappointed with this title; here’s hoping next month’s fill-in doesn’t feel as hastily cobbled together.

–George Berryman!

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  1. This was a pretty good issue, but I agree that it wasn’t up to the Spencer/Lieber standard. Still it could have been a lot worse. I liked that they fill-in people tried to copy/emulate the S/L style (the word/thought balloons with just a single image).

    I normally hate multiple artists for a single issue, but the exception is when the issue contains separate stories, or when a different artist does a flashback, where the different artist helps identify that these pages are for a different story or from a different character’s perspective. So I think it worked this time.

    The Beetle’s court story did have some plot holes, but I forgave it for the hilarious shot of the newspaper with the two headlines. Reminded me of the great double headlines in early Simpsons episodes:

    (after Quimby admits that he has used his political power to murder his enemies)

    Since S/L aren’t back until #12, I think it’s better that these two fill-in issues are flashback or side issues that don’t involved the main plot S/L have been working on. This is probably better than if a fill-in team advanced the main plot a couple of issues in a way that S/L wouldn’t have done (although I’m sure there was lots of coordination between the two teams).

  2. @1 – I think Boomerang is incredibly likable in this book, which is amazing since he made zero impression on me in all of his previous appearances before this title. A credit to the creative team considering the general opinion when this series was first announced (“Poor comic, you best character is Shocker.”).

    @2 – That scenario in the DD movie is confusing. It sounds like Matt was bringing a civil suit for his client, the rape victim, since he was interrogating the rapist on the stand. Which would mean that the rapist has already been found not guilty (or not charged) on criminal charges. But if that was the case, then if Matt had won the rapist wouldn’t be going to jail so why does he say he’s “going free” when he loses? Reminds me of this exchange:

    “There were script problems.”
    “It doesn’t seem like anyone even read the script.”
    “That was the problem.”

  3. Yeah it was during the Bendis run. I was an early Bendis fan during Sam & Twitch. But by the time he was working for Marvel I’d gotten burned out. His stories started feeling kinda one-note to me. As an Avengers fan, the whole Disassembled thing left a bad taste in my mouth. I get that a lot of people like his ‘real’ dialogue or his decompressed/stretching-for-the-trade style but I’m just not a fan of it.

  4. Thanks for the review. Regrettable that the book was not up to its usual standard due to the circumstances.

    Your recap of Beetle’s story reminded me of the DD movie from last decade (’03?). I did not understand the courtroom situation there,
    either. Matt Murdock questioning the slimy crook (accused of rape, I think), growing angrier that this monster will walk free,
    then Matt and Foggy commenting on the rapist going free. Wait a minute, isn’t Matt a defense attorney?
    Why would he be questioning the accused? It wasn’t a case of calling a hostile witness (as in the great “My Cousin Vinnie”),
    and defendants do not go to prison for losing a civil case. The conversation between Matt and Foggy showed the crook
    wasn’t their client, and since Foggy talked about taking on clients who could pay (even if they were guilty), the two
    were clearly in private practice. Of course, DD gets the crook later, but still.

    Just a question. You said you lost interest in Daredevil over a decade ago. Doest that mean during 2002-2004 or so,
    during Bendis’ run? I always see that treated/referred to as a classic run, one of the best on Daredevil, behind only
    Frank Miller (aren’t they all). I have not read any of Bendis run on Daredevil, so I have no opinion there. Was it in the
    Bendis era where you lost interest, and if so, why? I would like to read more of Daredevil through the years, hence my curiosity.

  5. After reading the first TPB of this series, I will be the lone voice at CS who says he can understand the low sales. I probably wouldn’t like the type of crime fiction that this series is emulating, either. I prefer to have someone to root for, at least a tiny little bit. I didn’t see any reason to follow this series, since I dislike all five of them.

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