Podcast # 292- Superior # 27 & 28 Review, Spider-History 1973

Untitled-1In this episodes we have 
*Reviews of Superior Spider-Man # 27 and #28
*JR’s This Month in Spider-History. He takes us back to March 1973. 
*Reviews of Amazing Spider-Man # 118
*Marvel Team Up # 7
*Sub Mariner #69


You can also subscribe to the show on itunes with this link.

Once you listen to the show please share your thoughts on this thread on our message board.

If you missed any of the other March podcasts here they are:

Podcast 291- Spider-News: Spidey Broke, Ditko 2099, McFarlane Returns, Spider-Butterflies
Podcast 290- Author Sean Howe interview. He wrote Marvel Comics: The Untold Story. 

Podcast 289-Spider-Satellites and Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon Reviews
Podcast 288-Friday Night Fight Web of Spidey

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  1. I don’t think they’re going to kill Anna-Maria.

    I think she’ll be in a life and death situation, that only Peter can save her from. To save her Otto has to let Peter take control.

    I think the scene where Peter denies knowing Anna-Marie is too interesting to turn away.

  2. Wow. I never saw the Big Bang theory reference. Who do you think is the fan? Slott or camunculi?

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