Take a listen to the new song from Alicia Keys that will be in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie.
Brad Douglas
View articlesBrad created the Crawlspace back in 1998 while attending college at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He’s the webmaster and writes front page news items, and also produces, hosts and edits the podcast. He’s been collecting Spider-Man comics since the age of three and is a life-long fan of the webhead. His website has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly and on Marvel.com and inside the comics themselves. The Crawlspace is one of the first Spider-Man fan sites to ever hit the internet. Millions of people visit the site every year.
Brad has interviewed several “Spider-Celebrities” over the years including co-creator Stan Lee. He’s also interviewed actors who have portrayed Spider-Man like Paul Soles (Voice Actor from the 67 Spider-Man Cartoon), Dan Gilvezan (Spidey Voice Actor from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends) ,Yuri Lownthal (Voice Actor from the Spider-Man PlayStation game) and Nicholas Hammond (Spider-Man 1977 Actor).
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I didnt mean that THIS is dupstep.Dupstep was ALL the bits with Electro.
#20 lol this isn’t dubstep. And as far as this version of Peter’s musical interests, I think this Peter would be into indie/punk stuff (Ramones, some Coldplay, Radiohead’s old stuff, They Might Be Giants… stuff with an independent indie DIY kinda feel), but also some underground/backpacker/lyrical Hip-Hop. Just the energy and kineticism of the genre I think would fit Spidey. I don’t think Pete would be too serious or grandiose in his musical preferences. Muse is fairly heavy-handed/orchestral (and by their own admittance is a poor man’s Radiohead lol), I think Harry would be more into stuff like that. As far as the “sound” for this song goes, to me (someone who does listen to Hip-Hop quite a bit), although it may sound “pop” to people unfamiliar with the genre, the content of this track is actually quite grounded/lyrical, and I think is something someone like Peter would gravitate to. I don’t think it’d be a stretch for Peter to listen to something like this. It’s interesting to see people’s reactions to the aesthetic and stylistic choices they’re making in this new series. I personally think they succeeded in making Spidey contemporary (fitting and relatable to the zeitgeist of today’s youth), but in doing so, I understand ppl feeling a certain way about it if THEY aren’t immersed in the contemporary.
I love the chorus’s “I bet you wonder hooow I go on…” Despite people’s opinions one way or another with the sound, as far as lyrical content goes, I think this song greatly captures Spidey’s resiliency and willingness to go on despite the usual Parker luck and things going wrong. I think it fits Spidey much less ambiguously than stuff like “Hero.” Love this track.
My favorite band,brother!! 🙂
I just can’t stand the dup-step thing,in Spider-Man……can’t.
Damn Muse would be perfect! Their song topics are somewhat “nerdy” and the music is very theatrical.
Yes it is kinda bad….
If they managed to put ‘RHCP’ or ‘Muse’ music/songs/references in there, i would scream from excitement…. 😛 😉
Thanks, can’t believe I missed that!!
I’d agree with Garfield-Pete being a alternative kind of guy. At the same time though with Pharrell scoring the movie with Zimmer, I wasn’t surprised when a Pharrell produced R&B-hip hop tune turned out be the movies theme. My main problem with this song isn’t so much that it’s attached to a Spidey movie (mainly because it probably won’t even be in the movie), but more with it just being a bad song IMO. Kendrick Lamar sounds way to angry in the opening verse and the rest is just s ehh. If they really had to do a R&B theme, maybe the they really should have got Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) to do it, at least I know he’s a Spidey fan.
And yeah,i could imagine him liking those bands!….
I just can’t see him being a Dup-step/pop music guy……c’mon.
Oops my bad, sorry bout that.
Pete wore a Ramones t-shrit in the first one?! huh I missed that. Yeah I could see something like that working.
Is it weird that always imagined 80’s Pete being a Devo or Flaming Lips fan?
@11 @12
Guys guys,im not saying “just take ACDC and Black Sabbath and put it in the Spidey movie”…….find a different band/approach…….Garfield was wearing a Ramones shirt in the first one….that’s a good fit!
An Alternative Rock-Punk would be a great “sound” for Spider-man!!
Yeah AC/DC would NOT fit Spidey. Even in the comics/cartoons Tony Stark liked metal, and uh, Black Sabbath has a song called I Am Iron Man. It makes sense there. To me Spidey is youthful/problematic/down on his luck/the everyman/fun and this fits him to a tee. “Lonely hero… Sacrifice ego, no room for selfish, we do this for the people.” Uh how does that not suit Spidey? Yeah I like this song!
Spider-Man and classic rock/classic metal? That really doesn’t seem like a great fit to me, not that this screams Spider-Man either. I’m still not entirely sure what music does fit Spidey……aside from orchestral scores of course.
Avengers and Iron Man get AC/DC and Black Sabbath…….Spider-man gets this……..
Aw the f with this.
My favorite Spider-Man movie track was Train’s “Ordinary”, but that, “Hero” and “Vindicated” all had the theme of high flying adventure despite the lyrics. I do like this song, but it doesn’t share the same quality, which is a con for me.
I like it, but I wish it had more of an epic, adventurous feel. It’s a nice song, but doesn’t make me think “SPIDER-MAN”.
Yes, it is better than Kroeger’s ‘Hero’ lol.
Is it better than Chad Kroeger’s ‘Hero’? Maybe. But that’s a pretty low bar to set.
Should of got Childish Gambino to do the guest verse XD
This is dope. Fits with Spidey but can also just be applicable to every day life. Feels youthful and energetic. @Adam T Yeah I can see the inclusion of a rapper can be polarizing to a lot of ppl who aren’t exposed or don’t like that genre (it’s not singing it’s rapping! And that’s Kendrick one of the best doing it right now) but I personally dig it. I like that this is a Spidey theme that a kid Peter’s age (in the movie) might have in his iPod today.
The production on this is pretty good.
The music in all the Spidey movies has always grated on me. It’s always been terrible post-grunge or stuff like this. I’m now of the opinion that Kendrick Lamar sucks at features (control not withstanding) and is only brilliant on his own albums. Music nerd rant over.
It’s fine with Keys but the opening is grating.
I liked the Alicia Keys part, the male singer isn’t really what I’m into.
I do still have Hold On (Spider-Man 2) and Til Kingdom Come (Amazing Spider-Man) on my iPod, have to give this a few more listens to see of it’s joining them