Clone Memories #3

Sensational_Spider-Man_Vol_1_10Back to our regularly scheduled program, I was trying to think of a Clone Saga Memory that George Berryman (and Kevin Cushing) would approve of. I present Spider-Ben with A Nazi-Skeleton-covered-in-bees.

Art by Mike ‘Ringo, and Written by Todd DeZago, this story takes place right before Ben gets killed. (spoiler alert.) Ben Vs. Swarm was in Sensational 9 and 10. Its collected in the Complete Ben Reilly Epic Book 5

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  1. I remember picking up these two Sensational issues about a decade ago when I was digging through back issues looking for the Revelations issues. Good times.

  2. @#1-I love it too! It’s one of Dezago’s best stories and Wieringo’s art is so fun! Hey Zach are you only posting covers?

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