Andrew Garfield Says Amazing Spider-Man 2 Was “More Fun To Make”

AndrewGarfieldOnSetASM2In an interview with IGN, Andrew Garfield, star of the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2, became quite candid about his feelings in making the film and being in the costume this time around compared to the first Amazing Spider-Man:

In the first movie we were obligated to retreading the origin story which Tobey Maguire and Sam Raimi did so beautifully. But now that that’s done, we get to own the character as filmmakers and we get to own it as Peter [Parker]. There is a life imitating art kind of thing going on, I think. So, I am super excited because [THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2] was more fun to make. Because of that, I think when I put on that suit I felt freer, I felt like, you know, I can’t think of a word to use that is not the F-word, but like, “Screw the critics, screw the scrutiny.”

And that’s the motto for life as well. If there’s one bit of advice I could give my childhood self, it would be don’t care what people think of you. Growing up and being a high school kid, you’re constantly self-conscious. There are those few rare kids who just know who they are from the womb onwards which I envy greatly. But that’s what Peter’s going through. He’s [saying], “I’m gonna make this my own. Because that’s the only way I can do this if this is mine,” and, “This is me.” That’s a great, cool lesson.

He also explained on why he believe Spider-Man has remained so popular for so many years:

Someone quoted someone to me the other day about why they love [Spider-Man]. In 1965, there was a poll of college students done to list their top ten revolutionary figures, and it was like Gandhi, Che [Guevara], Spider-Man, whoever. And the guy was like, “Yeah, he’s beset by woes, financial problems, the problems of existence. In short he’s one of us.” I mean, that’s exactly why we love Peter [Parker], and why we love Spider-Man.

This and more can be viewed in the video below:


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  1. The mask is hanging to his suit, I always wanted to see that out of the 80s cartoons 😀

  2. Being “One of us” isn’t edgy anymore! That’s why it’s better to leave supervillains who want to outdo Pol Pot and Hitler as the hero and leave the good guy dead. Didn’t anyone give Garfield the memo?

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